Callestan Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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When Sharn first rose from the ruins of Shaarat, Callestan was the center for trade and commerce. Today, it serves as a center for illegal trade and activity. The people who come to stay in the inns of Callestan sacrifice comfort to avoid the watchful eyes of the law, and many crooked deals are arranged in these dark taverns.   Until recently, Callestan was a stronghold of the Boromar Clan . The Tyrants and House Tarkanan both conducted business in the district, but the Boromars collected tribute from the merchants, and the fences, dreamlily dens, and gambling halls all owed allegiance to the halfling crime lords. Over the last two years, however, Daask has been posing a significant threat to the Boromar position in Callestan. Daask soldiers have beaten and killed Boromar operatives. Businesses with ties to the Boromars have been threatened, robbed, or even destroyed. Tarkanan and the Tyrants have taken advantage of this conflict to strengthen their own positions, expanding their businesses and contacts in the region.   Most of the average services and trades, and all of the upscale services and trades, offered in this district are criminal in nature. Callestan is the best place to go to find a fence, arrange for a burglary, or acquire forged papers. All of these things can be found elsewhere in the city, but in Callestan you don’t have to worry about the Watch taking an interest. At this point, the district has become a crossroads for the four major criminal powers of Sharn, and one must deal with different groups for different services. Forgery, deception, and prostitution are typically tied to the Tyrants; and smuggling, gambling, petty theft, and illegal goods are the realm of the Boromar Clan. Daask takes the role of a wild card that could intrude on any of these areas, but usually deal in violent crime.
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