Daask Organization in Eberron | World Anvil
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Daask, an aggressive criminal organization led by monstrous immigrants from Droaam, has been building its power in Khyber’s Gate and Malleon’s Gate for over ten years. But over the past two years, Daask has burst out of the Cogs and into the lower wards of the city. Daask has primarily been engaging in swift guerilla attacks against the operations of the Boromar Clan . However, Daask places great emphasis on physical violence, and armed robbery, muggings, assassination, and protection rackets are its stock in trade. The presence of these monsters is making Lower Dura a considerably more dangerous place to live, and adventurers who spend considerable time in the lower wards will probably encounter Daask forces.   While Daask uses violence and the threat of violence to expand its influence and fill its coffers, the organization is starting to diversify its interests. Daask has begun selling dreamlily and heartflow in the Lower Wards, and Daask is also the only source of the mysterious drug known as dragon’s blood. Daask also sells the services of its monstrous agents, both as assassins, bodyguards, and laborers.   In general, Daask is a fluid, mobile organization, and this has made it hard for the Boromars to fight. The majority of its members live in Khyber’s Gate, often shifting homes every few days.
Illicit, Gang

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