Cogsgate Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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Travelers who arrive at Wroann’s Gate or Terminus may take skycoaches up to the higher wards, but cargo is brought to the warehouse district of Cogsgate. The Guardians of the Gate and the Wharf Watch both perform customs investigations, and there are three tariff offices where merchants can pay the taxes levied on their goods, or where local landowners can come to pay their taxes to the Brelish Crown. After customs inspections, goods are usually stored in one of the many warehouses until they can be distributed throughout the city or transported to the docks.   Cogsgate is the gateway to the Blackbone Cogs. Ore from Zilargo and Karrnath is carted down the long tunnels into the darkness, and the sulfurous smell of the Cogs occasionally lingers the district. Most of the Cog workers live in this district, and it can be a rough place.   One new area of tension revolves around the war between the Boromar Clan  and the criminal organization known as Daask. The Boromars have financial interests in many of the warehouses, and the monsters of Daask have been striking Boromar holdings across the city. To date, Cogsgate has been left largely untouched, but at any time a Daask commando force could emerge from Blackbone to strike against a Boromar holding.
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