Dwarves of the Five Nations Ethnicity in Eberron | World Anvil
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Dwarves of the Five Nations

Dwarves are spread across Khorvaire. Dwarf soldiers and engineers were part of the armies that united the Five Nations, and dwarf masons laid the foundations of the greatest cities of Galifar. Traditionally loyal to family and clan, dwarves who were born outside the Mror Holds tend to transfer their fierce clan loyalty to their new homes — and particularly to the edifices of stonework that symbolize the permanence and stability of those places. A Brelish dwarf might feel a deep, personal connection to the towers of Sharn or the great walls of Wroat; some dwarves love the great Cathedral of the Silver Flame in Thrane more than devout followers of the Silver Flame. Ultimately, the typical dwarf in wider Khorvaire is more patriotic than the average human of the Five Nations, and many dwarves fought for their nations in the Last War, at least for a time.   When creating a dwarf character from the Five Nations, consider both your national loyalty and the role your family plays in your life. Do you live near family? What kind of work do your closest family members pursue, and is that reflected in the background you choose? Are you close to your relatives, or have you had a falling out? Did you lose kin in the Last War?
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