Dwarf Species in Eberron | World Anvil
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Gold is the gift of the mountains, but iron comes from blood and bone. — Mror Proverb
The origin of the dwarves is shrouded in mystery. Some of their legends tell of a great migration that led the ancient dwarves to Khorvaire from “a land of endless ice.” Many believe this refers to the arctic lands of the Frostfell, while others claim that the first dwarves must have come from the frozen plane of Risia. Wherever their roots, these migrant dwarves established a mighty nation beneath the surface of Khorvaire.   Most dwarven legends, unconcerned with the question of origin, dwell on the mighty artifacts and priceless treasures crafted by ancient deep-dwelling dwarves, and of the bloody wars they waged against the goblin Empire of Dhakaan. Dwarves today cherish the memory of this ancient nation, for all dwarves in Khorvaire are descended from exiles driven from the realm below — which was later destroyed by the daelkyr. Particularly in the Mror Holds, many dwarves cherish the idea of returning to the subterranean reaches and reestablishing their ancient nation, restoring them to a greatness they have all but forgotten.  


The Mark of Warding appears on dwarves of House Kundarak, which had its origins as one of the clans of the Mror Holds. Kundarak dwarves live across Khorvaire while maintaining close ties to the Mror Holds and their loyalty to the house over any particular nation.   In addition to providing all manner of security, House Kundarak dominates Khorvaire’s banking industry. As a dragonmarked house, it is obliged to remain neutral in the politics of all nations, including its homeland. As a result, Clan Kundarak is no longer represented on the Iron Council that rules the Mror Holds. However, it wields an influence over the other clans that reflects its wealth and its status in the world beyond the Holds, and the voice of Kundarak members arguing against the use of daelkyr magic carries significant weight.

Articles under Dwarf