Dwarves of the Mror Holds Ethnicity in Eberron | World Anvil
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Dwarves of the Mror Holds

The dwarves of the Mror Holds are defined in part by their relationship to the ancient Realm Below. In a desperate effort to rediscover and reclaim the holdings of their old nation, the dwarves have recovered many weapons of war created in the final days of the empire. Some of these weapons were forged by the dwarves to wield against the daelkyr, but others were made by the daelkyr for the use of their minions — strange symbiotic items (some of which appear in chapter 5) that use the life force of their hosts to power their magical abilities.   Some clans have banned the use of these symbiotic weapons and any exploration of daelkyr magic, notably the prominent Clan Mroranon. Others, particularly Clan Soldorak, have embraced this magic to use against the daelkyr. Defining a relationship to these discoveries can be an important element of your character’s background; you might be a Mroranon paladin or ranger dedicated to expunging any trace of daelkyr magic from the Realm Below, or a Soldorak warlock drawing on the magic of Xoriat in pursuit of your own power, as well as glory for your clan.   Another important question to consider in playing a Mrorian character is why you have left the Holds.
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