Faela Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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Faela, not part of the church hierarchy of Sharn, saw a need and took up residence in the abandoned church. The Silver Flame is dedicated to fighting the evil impulses of humanity as well as supernatural evil, and Faela does her best to counter the darkness she sees in Fallen. She provides nonmagical healing, acts as a mediator, and tries to defuse violent situations. While the people of Fallen don’t always listen to Faela, she is the only priest who has not abandoned them, and they generally look out for her. She devotes most of her time to the poorest and most wretched people of Fallen, trying to help these unfortunates rise up from squalor and make a better life. With her guidance, a number of the worst cases have even managed to leave Fallen and start a new life elsewhere in Sharn.
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