Half-Elf Species in Eberron | World Anvil
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I’m not half anything. You humans come from Sarlona. Elves are from Aerenal. Me? I’m a true child of Khorvaire. — Nandon Tam, Khoravar activist
From the Towering Woods of the Eldeen Reaches to the slums of Sharn, half-elves are found across Khorvaire. New half-elves are born in every generation from pairings between humans, elves, and other half-elves, with children typically clinging to a parent’s culture. Over centuries, though, half-elves have developed their own communities and traditions, giving them an identity strengthened by the rise of House Lyrandar and House Medani. Members of these communities generally dislike the term “half-elf,” instead calling themselves Khoravar, an Elvish term meaning “children of Khorvaire.”   The elves of Aerenal have never allowed a half-elf into the Undying Court, and the Valenar elves don’t consider half-elves capable of channeling a Valenar ancestral spirit. Among humans, though, half-elves don’t experience any more prejudice or bias than members of other races, and some half-elves could easily be mistaken for human.   In making a half-elf character, consider whether you were born in a Khoravar community, or if your parents were members of different races. Is your half-elf identity a source of pride, a simple fact of life, or something that has been difficult for you?  


Two dragonmarks appear among half-elf families: the Mark of Detection is found in House Medani and the Mark of Storm in House Lyrandar. Both houses were established families among the Khoravar by the time their dragonmarks appeared, and they remain pillars of the Khoravar’s diverse culture. The Khoravar ideal of building bridges supports the work of both houses.   With the Mark of Storm, House Lyrandar operates sailing ships and flying vessels, as well as bringing rain to farmlands. House Medani uses the Mark of Detection to offer services of personal protection.
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