Ghallanda Hall Building / Landmark in Eberron | World Anvil
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Ghallanda Hall

While many of the finest inns have left Underlook, one exceptional establishment remains. Ghallanda Hall was the first outpost House Ghallanda established in Sharn, and while it is not as fancy as the enclave in Dragon Towers, it still makes for an imposing place. The hall is divided into three sections, each catering to customers with different financial means—effectively, an upscale, average, and poor lodging combined into one. Some rooms have been specially prepared for members of different races, so halflings and gnomes can feel at home in a smaller environment. While each section of the inn has its own common room, there is also a grand hall open to all that features a tavern and a stage. Acts change on a nightly basis, and Ghallanda Hall generally has the best entertainment in Middle Dura.   Ghallanda Hall is one of the few locations where the house hosts its heroes’ feasts. A private dining room in the upscale quarter of the hall is reserved for this function, and the clients receive exceptional treatment and entertainment to accompany the enchanted meal.   Eight elite Ghallanda guards provide security, and two clawfoot dinosaurs can be brought into play during serious altercations.
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