Underlook Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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Before Menthis Plateau, Underlook was the center for Sharn’s nightlife. The district was filled with fine restaurants, inns, and other forms of entertainment. But over the centuries, the finest establishments have moved to other towers, leaving Underlook to decay in the shadows. Honest sailors and merchants who arrive at Cliffside often choose to stay in Underlook instead of risking life and limb in the Lower Wards.   In addition to the inns and taverns of Underlook, there are a wide number of businesses that are, while not illegal, often held in low regard. In particular, Underlook is an excellent place to hire inquisitive. While the heirs of Tharashk are generally considered to be the best inquisitives in Khorvaire, there are a number of capable non-house operatives in the district who can do the job if the price is right.
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