Gnomes of the Five Nations Ethnicity in Eberron | World Anvil
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Gnomes of the Five Nations

As they have for countless generations, insatiable curiosity and endless opportunity draw gnomes from Zilargo into the wider lands of Khorvaire. Most of these dispersed gnomes find new homes and integrate easily into local cultures. Gnomes can be found in any walk of life, whether they be as merchants, magewrights, scholars, or scoundrels. While the gnomes of the Five Nations aren’t as inherently devious as their Zil cousins, they share the Zil emphasis on the importance of family.   As a gnome character from the Five Nations, you might have a network of connections to the community your grew up in, likely built on the exchange of information. Alternatively, you might seek your own path in life, avoiding the intrigues your cousins adore.
Encompassed species