Gnome Species in Eberron | World Anvil
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Five words can defeat a thousand swords. — Zil proverb
The average gnome has a love of knowledge that borders on obsession, a curiosity that admits no limits, and a vast collection of potentially useful information on every personal acquaintance. Most gnomes detest physical violence and prefer to solve their problems with words — whether that’s a bard’s eloquent persuasion, a wizard’s words of power, or a rogue’s careful threat. They give an initial impression as friendly busybodies, always ready to lend a hand or share a story, while asking questions that tend toward the slightly-too-personal. Often, though, a cheerful and amiable gnome is methodically adding to a mental storehouse of knowledge that might one day provide important leverage.


The Mark of Scribing appears among the gnomes of House Sivis. The gnomes of this house were among the first of their kind to leave Zilargo and live in human lands. They love bureaucracy and intrigue as much as the gnomes of their homeland, but they have carefully cultivated a reputation for impartiality and secrecy, since their services rely on trust.   Today, House Sivis provides avenues of communication across Khorvaire. Translation, mediation, interpreting, and legal advocacy all fall within House Sivis’s broad purview, and they maintain the network of message stations that allow cross-continent communication.
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