Gnomes of Zilargo Ethnicity in Eberron | World Anvil
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Gnomes of Zilargo

To say that every Zil gnome is a ruthless schemer would be a hurtful exaggeration. Intrigue is the favorite pastime of most Zil, though. Every gnome child of Zilargo is taught to manipulate and deceive, and by the time they reach adulthood most have been involved in dozens of schemes and feuds, some of which persist well into adulthood. Even a gnome with a good heart and noble goals — of which there are many — often still prefers to use trickery and cunning rather than the unreliable tools of honesty or brute force.   Most Zil gnomes belong to the forest gnome subrace. Their natural talent for illusion aids them in trickery and entertaining, and they often use small animals as messengers and guides.   When you’re making a Zil gnome character, consider what kinds of schemes you or your family might be involved in.   Additionally, consider your relationship to Zilargo: why you have left, and what ties do you still have to it? Your scheme could provide a good reason for you to leave. Or you could be a sage gathering information for the Library of Korranberg or an investigator sending stories of your adventures back to the Korranberg Chronicle. Family is important to the Zil, and you could be pursuing your family’s interests. You could even be working for the mysterious Trust, the conspiracy behind the Triumvirate’s throne that quietly maintains order in Zilargo. If you are working for the Trust, you could have a specific mission, but you could also be a sleeper agent — gathering information and allies until you’re activated and you are put to your intended use.  

Zil Names

Zil society is divided into major houses, each of which is composed of multiple families. Each gnome carries the name of a house and of a family in addition to a personal name. For example, Alina Lorridan Lyrris and Tallian Talius Lyrris are members of different families (Lorridan and Talius) within House Lyrris. Gnome names are long and lyrical; a Zil proverb claims “the sweetest song is the name of a friend.” Personal and clan names are usually at least three syllables long, and there is a strong tradition of alliteration.
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