Goblinoid Species in Eberron | World Anvil
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Hoisting the head by the fading plumes of the ruined helmet, still tied under the chin by a cord, Haruuc raised it in one hand and his bloody sword in the other. “Your lord is dead!” he howled in the human language. “The battle is done! By my sword, I claim this place and name it Rhukaan Draal, the crown city of Darguun, the land of the people!” — Don Bassingthwaite, The Doom of Kings
The goblinoid species — goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears — were once the dominant civilization in Khorvaire, with the goblinoid Empire of Dhakaan ruling the continent for thousands of years. It was crippled by a long conflict with the daelkyr and their aberrant armies; even though the daelkyr were defeated, the seeds of madness took root in the empire and tore it apart. Today, there are three primary goblinoid cultures in Khorvaire.  

Goblinoid Names

Goblinoid names often feature drawn-out vowel sounds (represented by doubled letters), as seen in the names of both their ancient empire (Dhakaan) and their newborn country (Darguun). Goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears use the same names and naming conventions, despite their tribal differences.   Male Names: Aruget, Chetiin, Daavn, Dabrak, Dagii, Drevduul, Duulan, Fenic, Gudruun, Haluun, Haruuc, Jhazaal, Kallaad, Krakuul, Krootad, Mazaan, Munta, Nasaar, Rakari, Reksiit, Tariic, Taruuzh, Thuun, Vanii, Vanon, Wuudaraj   Female Names: Aaspar, Aguus, Belaluur, Denaal, Draraar, Duusha, Ekhaas, Eluun, Graal, Gaduul, Hashak, Jheluum, Kelaal, Mulaan, Nasree, Raleen, Razu, Rekseen, Senen, Shedroor, Tajiin, Tuneer, Valii, Wuun
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