The Ghaal’dar Ethnicity in Eberron | World Anvil
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The Ghaal’dar

The Ghaal’dar tribes arose from the remnants of the Dhakaani Empire. Hobgoblins are the leaders of the Ghaal’dar, enforcing their will on their goblin and bugbear peers. The history of the Ghaal’dar is filled with strife; when they weren’t fighting Galifar or Zilargo, the tribes usually turned on one another. This came to an end with the Last War. House Deneith hired Ghaal’dar mercenaries, and this gave focus to the divided tribes. A brilliant hobgoblin, Haruuc, united the Ghaal’dar, and under his leadership they seized control of what is now Darguun. The aging Lhesh Haruuc remains as the ruler of Darguun, and many fear that his death could throw the region into chaos.   As a Ghaal’dar goblinoid, you hold your place through cunning and strength. You may have been a former mercenary now seeking adventure. You could be working as an emissary for one of the Ghaal’dar tribes or even Lhesh Haruuc himself. Or you could have been driven from your tribe by the actions of a rival; perhaps you’re seeking allies to reclaim your birthright.
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