Graywall Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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The culture of Karrnath existed long before the Last War, and in Sharn it found a home in the Graywall district. As Sharn grew and became an important center for trade and commerce in the kingdom of Galifar, and as Karrn merchants and crafters settled in the city, many made their home in Graywall. Today Graywall is a quiet, close-knit community. The local families know each other well, and they dislike outsiders—with the notable exception of visitors from Karrnath, who receive a warm welcome and demands for the latest news from “the old country.”   In practice, the people of Graywall are unfriendly toward most outsiders, but Friendly toward anyone of Karrn descent. Due to prejudices and incidents that occurred during the Last War, anyone attached to the Sharn Watch is not looked on fondly.   For the most part, Graywall is a peaceful district. Most of the inhabitants are honest, hard-working people. Among grewall there is a prominite population of Seekers. They have been established here long before the last war, and it is one of the oldest seeker communities in Khorvaire.   The people of Graywall are somber and serious, and outsiders receive a cold welcome. A visitor with a good ear notes the predominance of Karrn accents and spots Karrn features among the inhabitants of the district.
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