Sharn Watch Organization in Eberron | World Anvil
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Sharn Watch

The Sharn Watch is the overarching organization that enforces the laws of the city. The sentinels of the Watch patrol the streets of Sharn, ever vigilant for signs of unrest. Unfortunately, the Sharn Watch is riddled with corruption, from the commanding officers down to the patrols. There are a few dedicated guards who truly want to protect the innocent. But bribery runs rampant, and the watch has a way of never showing up at the same time as Daask or the Boromar Clan. And aside from the general problems of greed, cowardice, and corruption, the watch commanders focus their forces on protecting the wealthy and powerful citizens of the city. The lower levels of the towers are lightly patrolled, while the only guards seen in the Cogs are assigned to specific locations that are vital to the welfare of the city. So the streets of Skyway are quite safe—but the character who runs into a band of angry ogres in the Cogs shouldn’t expect to see any help from the Watch.   While the majority of the members of the Watch are simple street pounders, there are also a few elite divisions within the organization that have special duties. A few of these groups are listed below:
  • Blackend Book, A taskforce to respond to magical threats
  • Guardians of the Gate, A taskforce dedicated to monitoring forigen nationals.
  • Wharf Watch, oversees trade and taxation (despite the name, they operate throughout the city)
  • Cog Gaurds, patrol the reservoirs and most critical areas of the sewer systems
  • Goldwings, an air cavalry unit who use Vadalis-trained hippogriffs to scout for trouble and to respond to mid-air crimes.
The central administration of the Sharn Watch is housed in the Citadel, the hulking fortress in Ambassador Towers that contains the Sharn Prison and the headquarters of The King’s Citadel. The bulk of the Watch is divided up between four garrison districts: Daggerwatch in Upper Dura, Warden Towers in Middle Menthis, Sword Point in Middle Central, and Black Arch in Lower Tavick's Landing. Each garrison has its own commander, and these officers have a considerable amount of leeway in how they interpret policy.   Any commander can call on the Blackened Book, the Sharn Guard, or the Goldwings for assistance. In dire situations, they can contact the Redcloaks or the King’s Citadel. But in practice, these elite units aren’t called into play that often. As a general rule, the commanders of the Watch are only interested in maintaining the status quo and protecting the wealthy. As long as things are quiet on the surface, the Watch rarely goes searching for trouble. Even in times of crisis, most commanders prefer use personal agents to quietly resolve situations as opposed to bringing in the Redcloaks or the King’s Citadel.
Government, Law Enforcement
Subsidiary Organizations

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