Khoravar Ethnicity in Eberron | World Anvil
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The culture that has developed among Khorvaire’s native half-elves places a strong emphasis on hospitality toward other Khoravar. They don’t expect each other to put themselves in danger for strangers’ sake, but when possible, half-elves do what they can to help others with information, shelter, and the like. Khoravar communities have weekly unity dinners where local news and events are shared; these meals are a great chance to hear about local events and opportunities.   Many Khoravar espouse the idea of “the bridge between,” the notion that the Khoravar are called to facilitate communication and cooperation between members of different cultures or species. Khoravar who follow this philosophy often become bards, diplomats, mediators, or translators. Others are fascinated by their distant connection to the fey and seek to build bridges between the Material Plane and the Feywild of Thelanis. These Khoravar often become Greensinger druids or warlocks with Archfey patrons.   Khoravar speak both Common and Elvish, and among themselves they often blend these two together. This pidgin makes perfect sense to anyone who speaks both languages, but someone who speaks only one of them will miss some words and subtlety of meaning.   As you create a Khoravar character, you have a wide range of options to describe your backstory.
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