Hascal d’Ghallanda Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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Hascal d’Ghallanda

The Drunken Dragon is owned by Hascal d’Ghallanda, a cheerful middle-aged halfling. Hascal began his life as an explorer, but gave up the trade after losing his lower left leg and his right eye in a particularly disastrous trip to Xen’drik, and returned to pick up the family business. He has an assortment of beautifully carved artificial limbs and colorful eye patches that correspond to his flamboyant outfits. Hascal is an extremely knowledgeable and talented fellow who, given an opportunity, can spend hours talking about his adventures.   Hascal possesses the Least Mark of Hospitality and has the power to cast refuge; while he generally saves this for personal protection, for enough gold he could be convinced to cast it on behalf of a group of favored customers. Though he no longer actively adventures, Hascal remains a member of the Clifftop Adventurers’ Guild.
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