The Drunken Dragon Building / Landmark in Eberron | World Anvil
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The Drunken Dragon

A bizarre assortment of odds and ends cover the walls of the Drunken Dragon tavern, including the trophies of a hundred expeditions to Xen’drik, the Demon Wastes, and other strange lands. Among the oldest pubs in Upper Dura, the Drunken Dragon is a long-time favorite of explorers, adventurers, and privateers. Slow service and poor food aside, the Drunken Dragon has one of the widest selections of exotic alcoholic beverages in Sharn. From Mror ale and Lhazaar mead to the orcish hrak of the Shadow Marches and fermented honey-milk brewed by the shifters of the Eldeen Reaches, if it’s strong and strange it can be found at the Drunken Dragon.   The Dragon has become one of the main places to hire adventurers; if a party has no specific agenda and simply hopes to fi nd work, it could do worse than to have a few drinks at the Drunken Dragon. The Dragon is a tavern as opposed to an inn, but it does have two private rooms that parties can use when discussing secret business or important deals.
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