Shae Lias Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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Shae Lias

While naturalized elves can be found throughout Sharn, Shae Lias is a bastion for the values and traditions of the elves of Aerenal. Orchard balconies ring the neighborhood; the restaurants of the district own some of these, while others are open to the public for purposes of meditation and reflection. In addition to serving as a residential district for Aerenal expatriates, it is a source for a wide range of elven craftwork, woodwork, and furniture. The district also includes a handful of more exotic establishments, a few of which are outlined below.   The district is filled with beautifully sculpted statues of long-dead elves. Densewood warriors stand guard at the gates of townhouses, while statues of priests and honored elders are spread throughout plazas and open-air orchards. The residents move quietly among these statues of the dead, carrying out their daily activities with silent grace.

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