The Winding Root Building / Landmark in Eberron | World Anvil
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The Winding Root

This gallery showcases the work of over a dozen elf artisans. Much of the work in the Winding Root is wooden sculpture, but the gallery also sells tapestries, jewelry, and even clothing. The goods sold at the Winding Root are of the highest quality, often representing years or even decades of work, and the prices reflect their perfection. When someone needs to find a gown or suit to wear to the Brelish Court, the Winding Root is a great place to visit—but the prices keep the gallery out of reach of all but the wealthiest citizens of Sharn.   If someone wants to sell her work in the Winding Root, she must speak to the owner, Jhaia Thesaelia (female elf). Jhaia is only interested in the work of elven artisans, and must be the finest quality. Her initial attitude is indifferent, and at this level she charges a 20% commission to sell an item. If she is friendly toward the artist, she drops her commission to 15%; if helpful, the cost is reduced to 10%.
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