Shaeras Vadallia Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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Shaeras Vadallia

High King Shaeras Vadallia

Put up your swords and talk of peace, or hide behind your walls of stone. When the host of Valenar thunders forth, neither will save you.
  — Shaeras Vadallia[/quote]   High King Shaeras Vadallia is the ruler of the nation of Valenar and military leader of the Valaes Tairn warclans. As High King, Vadallia is owed fealty by 45 of the Valaes Tairn warbands on Khorvaire. However, only 20 of the warbands are under his direct command at any one time. Together, these warbands are known as the Host of Valenar. He currently resides in his royal palace in Taer Valaestas.   As a devoted follower of the Spirits of the Past, Shaeras Vadallia believes he is the vessel for the legendary elf warrior Vadallia, and must follow in the path of his ancestor and find a foe as challenging as the giants of the Cul'sir Dominion
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