Shamukaar Building / Landmark in Eberron | World Anvil
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This is the largest and most successful tavern in the region, and it is the safest placeto deal with members of Daask. Shamukaar is simultaneously a slaughterhouse, a butcher shop, a restaurant, and a tavern. It caters to Droaam immigrants, a category that includes many different species; ogres, gnolls, harpies, minotaurs, and even medusas can be found at the bar. The goblin chefs can prepare an astonishing assortment of meals, all of which share one thing in common: they are disgusting to humans.   Despite the monstrous nature of its patrons, Shamukaar is one of the safest places in Khyber’s Gate. Even the monsters of Daask recognize the need for a neutral ground and a safe haven, and Shamukaarserves that purpose. Unless provoked beyond measure, a resident of Khyber’s Gate will not start a fight in Shamukaar. And if anyone does start a fi ght, all other patrons unite together to subdue the aggressor.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
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