Smoky Towers Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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Smoky Towers

Smoky Towers is in some ways an extension of the Torchlight district directly below it, perhaps slightly better off in general but not much different in essentials. Smoky Towers is the entertainment district of Middle Menthis, known for dinner theaters, recital halls, and one grand theater. It presents a grade of entertainment that falls between the burlesque of Torchlight and the classical drama of the University District—affordable yet respectable, accessible yet thoughtful.   A small but significant number of people who trace their origin to Cyre have made their home in Smoky Towers. Although culturally they differ little from their Brelish neighbors, this community has become very active in the wake of Cyre’s destruction, discussing rebuilding or reestablishing the nation elsewhere in Khorvaire. The Citadel keeps the Cyran community here under close watch due to this potentially treasonous talk.

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