Starfire Dragon Building / Landmark in Eberron | World Anvil
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Starfire Dragon

The Starfire Dragon offers a steady diet of entertainment accompanied by exquisite meals. In this case, however, the entertainment clearly takes a back seat to the food. Tryin compete in a crowded market, the Starfire Dragon’s owner, Amman Todav (male human), has hired excellent cooks, and the restaurant’s menu offerings reflect the trouble he has gone to. Todav’s choice in entertainers is less discriminating, however; he lost a good portion of his hearing fi ghting in the Last War, and judges performers more on their looks than the quality of their performances. On a good night, the entertainment ranks with the best Middle Menthis has to offer. But the Starfire Dragon is gaining a reputation for showcasing a great number of beautiful women with mediocre singing voices.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
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