The Burning Ring Building / Landmark in Eberron | World Anvil
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The Burning Ring

The Burning Ring is not a specific location in Firelight. It moves frequently as the Sharn Watch keeps trying to shut it down, but it seems to find a place to operate every night. It offers blood sport, gladiator-style combat conducted by amateur and professional warriors. The combat is real—the combatants use a variety of weapons but wear no armor—and sometimes matches end in death. Ideally, the healer on hand for every fight reaches a fallen combatant before he dies, but sometimes the fallen are beyond help. Death only seems to make the crowds cheer louder.   The ringmaster is Hoas Junter (male shifter), who has extensive connections to the Daask gang. Sometimes his connections help him bring in a monster as a combatant to the crowd’s utter delight. The monster usually wins.
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