The Last War Military Conflict in Eberron | World Anvil
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The Last War

As King Jarot of Galifar approached old age, questions about the succession of his throne ran rampant. Although by tradition his eldest scion, Princess Mishann of Cyre was to claim the throne, others doubted her ability to rule. Prince Thalin of Thrane felt he was far more fit to rule instead. However, on the king's deathbed in 894 YK, he gave Mishann his blessings and bade Prince Wrogar of Aundair to honor his decision.   At the funeral shortly after, Mishann discussed the details of her coronation with her siblings, but they turned a deaf ear to her words. Indeed, they personally threatened to send their soldiers to Thronehold to prevent any such action. Only her brother Wrogar remained allied to Cyre, since he was bound by honor. Later in the year 894 YK, hostilities commenced. Alliances were formed, shifted, and were broken over the course of the war. Virtually no part of the continent was unaffected.  

Causes of the War. 

The succession crisis after King Jarot was the spark, but for the war to have gone on that long and for the people to have supported their candidates so firmly, tensions must have already been rising between the provinces of Galifar. Most related to the Cyre being seen as getting unfair favoritism. Karrnath had begun to feel betrayed by the Wynarn monarchy. They were the homeland of Galifar the first. Their army united the continent, but now the nobles counted riches in Eston and Metrol. Kaius ir’Wynarn was seen as a change in this dynamic. At last, a Wynarn who remembered they were descendants of Karn the Conqueror. He was going to return Galifar to how it was supposed to be: a nation led by strength and the proud people of Karnath.   Breland had been increasingly industrializing and began to feel like the monarchy was unfairly propping up Cyre’s dominance. They increasingly felt like Cyre was smothering them. This feeling of unfair exclusion drove a deep sense of resentment. That saw Princess Wroann as someone who would finally end Cyran protectionism and allow Breland to flourish into the economic heartland of Galifar.   Thrane had become increasingly dominated by the faith of the Silver Flame. There was the feeling that the other provinces were decadent and corrupted by greed. It was only the spirit and piety of the people of Thrane who could shepherd Galifar onto a righteous path. Prince Thalin was this potential savior, unquestionably devout in the Silver Flame. He would be able to guide Galifar into a new golden era by listening to the Voice of the Flame.   Aundair felt increasingly left out as more and more industry and development moved into Cyre. Despite being the official center of magical research, more and more magical talent was moving to Cyre. But that resentment was not nearly as present as the old wounds from the Silver Crusade began to flair up. Pure Flame extremists frequently operated in their territory, and they saw the Wynarn dynasty as unable to properly restrain the Zealots. The increasing prominence of the Silver Flame was their primary concern, and the thought of Thalin on the throne was horrible. So when Prince Wrogar backed Princess Mishann, the people celebrated it as an alliance against Thalin.   Cyre saw the other provinces as petty children rebelling from the natural order of things. However, Mishann was not herself popular. Mishann represented the status quo of the Wynarn kings that Cyre wanted to preserve. Mishann herself was seen as a weak member of a mighty dynasty. In particular, Mishann’s failure to restrain House Cannith was criticized. Dragonmarked houses were supposed to be neutral, and Cyre did receive priority on new inventions, but Eston had quickly become almost a separate state within Cyre. Cannith built weapons inside Cyre just to deliver them to Thrane, where they would be used on the Cyran people. House Cannith was seen as greedy traitors and war profiteers who were too powerful to be removed. All the Dragonmarked Houses save Ghallanda participated in war profiteering across nations, but House Cannith was the most visible and did so on the grandest scale. Through House Cannith, Cyre produced much of the weapons used against them. That builds a level of resentment. The continued inability of the line Mishann to deal with Cannith would cause tensions.  

Early War

King Kaius the first of Karnnath would make a deal with the Blood of Vol to field undead troops and help stabilize the nation due to widespread plague and famine in the northeast during the start of the war. This would meet with absolute condemnation from Thrane. Quickly the war would stabilize into two major fronts— triangles of death. Cyre, vs Thrane, vs Karnath in the east and in the west, Breland Vs. Aundair Vs. Thrane. With occasional skirmishes between Breland and Cyre.   As the war ground on, there would be some changes. Aundair’s continued requests for more support and supplies from Cyre would keep getting denied, and Aundair got so frustrated they broke ties with Cyre.   Breland spent most of its time fighting Aundair and Thrane… Once Aundair dropped its alliance with Cyre and a shared enemy in Thrane. Cause Brelish/Cyran relations to warm. Also, the economic separation due to the war began to remove a lot of the pressures that had driven their two nations into rivalry in the first place. Diplomats began to go back and forth. King Boranel marries a Cyran noblewoman.  

Late War

Serious talks of a truce between Breland and Cyre start coming up. However, they are always torpedoed by the Cyran monarch. All deals were conditional on accepting that the Cyran monarchs had the rightful claim to the Galifar throne. This was not popular in Cyre, who was increasingly under strain from being completely alone… However, the idea of a Breland-Cyre alliance never truly dies, and there is the idea that the Cyre monarchy will come to its senses and agree to the truce... The industrial might of Breland, Zilargo, and Cyre could end the war.   Prince Oargev was in Breland to apologize to Boreal and restart negotiations after Queen Dannel ruined another truce negotiation demanding Boreal recognized her birthright. Princess Borann’s army in Cyre was there to fight off the Bishop militant’s invasion into Cyre. Hopefully, this would allow one of Dannel’s more reasonable relations to take power, and Breland and Cyre could end the war. This is also why Breland is more accommodating to Cyre refugees. Cyre and Breland had not fought each other as much as they had fought the same people.   Then the mourning happened and Cyre was destroyed... King Boranel, and King Kaius III called for a meeting of the remaining national leaders, and afraid of what had just happened the leaders ratified the Treaty of Thronehold ending the war.
Conflict Type