Avaliah Vanatar Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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Avaliah Vanatar

Avaliah was a member of the Thaliost city council until the city was taken over by the Thranish army in the later years of the war. Since then she was a vocal voice in the community advocating for the return of Thaliost to Aundair.    In the years following the Treaty of Thronehold, the clashes between protesters and the occupying garrison started to grow more violent. While a diplomatic leader might have been able to establish a dialogue with the citizens, Thrane decided to post the fanatical Prefect Norah Amaradi to the city instead. When protests started to get huge popular support, the Prefect ordered the local soldiers to brutally arrest as many as possible. Once the ringleaders were in prison, they were brutally tortured to force them to recant their resistance to Thranish rule. In the end Avaliah was the only survivor, rescued by the Diamond Sentinels before her execution could be carried out, but not before she was half blinded and horribly scarred.   After the evacuation of Thaliost to Corvo Montagna, Avaliah became an important figure in organising the refugees and integrating them into the small town. Before Melody and the Sentinels left on their expedition into the mountains, Avaliah was appointed Steward in recognition of her good work.
Current Location
Year of Birth
754 YK 246 Years old
Ruled Locations


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