Corvo Montagna Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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Corvo Montagna

Corvo Montagna was the first Cyrean settlement in Breland outside of New Cyre (now New Espera). First secured by The Diamond Sentinels, a small group of colonists were escorted to the site to set up a small farming village around the manor house, along with a new lighting rail stop that would allow goods to come in from Starilaskur and Zilargo.   A few short months after the town was established, Corvo Montagna was overrun with refugees teleported out of Thaliost by Melody. All of the townsfolk in Corvo and New Cyre rallied together to put together temporary accomodation and provide food for the newcomers. Assistance from the Brelish government was soon to follow.   Since then, work has continued day and night to expand the town to fit its new population. The assistance of Deputy Book and his band of warforged has been invaluable in enabling quick construction of new buildings.
Founding Date
998 YK
Large town
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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