Candace Cannith Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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Candace Cannith

An orphan that ended up as Maria’s research assistant, Candace ended up being adopted into Rowan and Maria’s family. That is why it was such a betrayal when Rowan put her inside his latest creation to test if it would be safe for Maria.    Since being rescued by the Diamond Sentinels, Candace has made a new home for herself in Corvo Montagna. After the arrival of Riki’s Rangers at the villa, Candace found herself bonding with Yvresse, and they are now in a relationship.   Unfortunately, things have not been going well for Candace lately. She works obsessively over more and more gadgets, moving onto a new project as soon as the last is constructed. When she finally collapses, her sleep is plagued by nightmares.
Current Location
Year of Birth
973 YK 27 Years old
Parents (Adopting)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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