Catelina Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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When the Mourning occurred, Catelina was walking through the Whitehearth markets, her younger sister in tow, where her parents owned a small gem cutting stall. Her only indication that something was wrong was her sister complaining of a headache, before thousands of people around her fell to the ground, clutching their heads, arms, stomachs, screaming and shrieking, before they began rapidly transforming before her very eyes, growing extra heads, losing limbs, and becoming horrifically disfigured. When they arose, they seemed infinitely less human that they had only moments before, gnashing their teeth together as if Catelina and the others unaffected were prey rather than family and friends. Among those affected were her parents and sister.   With no way to help, Catelina was forced to flee with the handful of other survivors across the border, eventually making her way to New Cyre, where she has spent the better part of the last four years researching the Mourning, questioning anyone who happens to pass through the refugee settlement, and venturing out on the promise of even the most obscure and unlikely information, looking for a way to free her family from the entrapments of this plague.   During her research, Catelina became aware of the immortal Sora Kell, and was lured by the unbounded knowledge she supposedly possessed. Hoping to gain access to that knowledge, and the power to reverse whatever had afflicted her family, she travelled into Drooam, hoping to encounter one of Sora Kell’s daughters. She eventually stumbled upon Sora Katra, who agreed to facilitate a pact between Sora Kell and Catelina; but, being the trickster that she is, Sora Katra also ensured that Catelina’s body begun the slow process of being taken over by a beast, as a price for the power bestowed.   Catelina was turned away to deal with her affliction herself, Sora Katra iterating that the power she had received, both the magic and the beast, was more than any mortal deserved, and that she had no claim to Sora Kell’s knowledge; fortunately, that was all she was required to do, with Sora Katra’s amusement obviously sated, and no real need to indenture Catelina. So Catelina returned to her research, ever cognisant of the bond forged between herself and Sora Kell, hoping and dreading in equal measure the day she is called upon to do the immortal’s bidding, creating an opportunity to request again the knowledge that could free her family, but at an unspeakable cost.
Current Location
Year of Birth
976 YK 24 Years old
Aligned Organization

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