Donegal Rockspite Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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Donegal Rockspite

A heavily muscled dwarf with numerous battle scars.   As a mercenary/adventurer, Donegal has seen most of what the continent has to offer (and then some). Originally from the Mror Holds, Donegal set up at the Cyrean Adventurers guild early in the war. Work was readily available, and Donegal soon earned a reputation for getting the job done. He’s worked for most of the noble houses in Cyre and Breland at one time or another, but never really took sides during the war. He was out on a mission when the mourning happened, and found himself at a loss as to what to do next. When word reached him of Prince Oargev’s survival and the subsequent creation of New Cyre, Donegal headed south to see what he could do to help.   Since moving to Corvo Montagna, Donegal has taken up stewardship of the Songspire Adventurers Guild for the Diamond Sentinels, as well as advising them on adventuring issues. With the expansion of the town, Donegal has also served to advise Avaliah on military issues, sharing his vast experience to help her and Sheriff Kara to coordinate the county's defences.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Manager of the Songspire Adventurers Guild
Year of Birth
875 YK 125 Years old
Mror Holds
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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