Jem Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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A Changeling Rogue/Cleric, originally from the countryside of Breland, who moved to Sharn and assumed the full-time face of Juliana ir’Margrave very early on in her life. Life happened, and now she *mostly* resides in Corvo Montagna, in any other face than Juliana. Jem is rarely comfortable around others in her natural form, and so your first impression of her will be one of her many faces. Some of these faces she’s known and assumed for years (Izzie, Marcus and Juliana). Others have come to her more recently, and don’t entirely feel like herself.   Likes: Knowing things.
Dislikes: Not knowing things.


  Perhaps you're in Lower Sharn, and have misplaced that letter that was in your coat pocket. Maybe you'd just a few moments ago collided with Izzi. A waifish looking elven woman, that you're sure would be knocked right over if the wind blew strongly enough in her direction. She's already dropped your coin purse in the hands of one of the roving street kids, having no interest in its contents, and instead is scouring that letter in an alleyway.   Likes: Eavesdropping, the seedier side of cities, and seeing terrible people get what’s coming to them.
Dislikes: Talkers and feelings.  

Marcus Lvir

  Or if Central Dura is where you crossed paths, you may have met Marcus Lvir. A tall, broader, darked skinned man with dark hair and beard. Both dusted with wisps of grey, and both just that liiiittle bit too long and unkempt. Giving him the air of having much more pressing matters and shit to worry about than staying perfectly groomed. You may have been given a tip by one of the merchants or innkeeps that if you had a matter of a more.... delicate nature that you needed taken care of, Marcus might be able to help you out.   Likes: Lively taverns, quick witted jokes, and being underestimated
Dislikes: Seriousness and consequences.  

Juliana ir’Margrave

  You may have come across with a fair haired and skinned human young lady named Juliana ir’Margrave in the Upper Wards of Sharn, or tucked away in library stacks across Khorvaire, her nose in a book. Her gowns are made from the most intricately woven fabrics. She carries herself with a aloof, bored air. No matter the situation, you’re pretty sure she’d rather be doing something else.   Likes: Libraries, good food and wine, working on the loom and quiet.
Dislikes: Familial responsibilities.  

Captain-General Halnifar

  Prim and militaristic, the Captain General-Halnifar is all about business. You may hear him shout a command across the battlefield to you, giving you the surge of confidence and energy to accomplish more than you believed you could. Jem came in to possession of the Captain General’s breast plate armor travelling through the Mournland, and his face came to her shortly after. Stories of great heroes and legends of the Old Empire speak of the Captain-General of the Children of the Morning, clad in shining head-to-toe armor, performing feat after feat of heroism.  


  Sallia is a slight, red-headed, freckled elven girl. You’ve likely never had a conversation with Sallia. At least not one that didn’t end in a vacant or confused stare. In her original life, Sallia was a talented woodcarver, who’d disappear in to the woods to practice her craft and let her mind wander.  

Terenas Duskwatcher

  An Umbragen elf with piercing red eyes, Terenas can be fiercely protective to the point of aggression.
Date of Birth
24th December
Year of Birth
974 YK 26 Years old
Current Residence
Corvo Montagna

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