Kara Gallo Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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Kara Gallo

Captain Kara is a Cyrean Hero, and an important icon to the people of New Cyre. She’s known as the Scarlet Angel, or more commonly just ‘The Angel’.    The story goes that she was a Lieutenant under Duke Beregost in the 3rd Legion. The legion was ambushed, and the Duke was directing a retreat when the hill he was standing on was struck by a magical attack. Kara fought her way to him just in time to stop a huge Bugbear from crushing him with a blow from a gigantic club. The blow shattered her shield and knocked her to the ground. She grabbed Beregost’s magical greatsword ‘Stormreaver’, which had been broken in half by the attack. Using the sword, she stood over the Duke and fought off all assaults for an entire night. The magic of the sword was going crazy, striking her just as often as the enemy, but she didn’t falter. When the sun rose and reinforcements arrived, she stood in front of a mound of bodies, covered in the enemies blood, but without a scratch on her. Beregost made her a Captain when he recovered.   When the mourning happened, Kara was leading a strike force into Aundair. Trapped behind enemy lines, she made her way back to Prince Oargev and became the commander of his personal guard.   Kara didn’t really escape without a scratch, it’s just that all the blood covered her wounds. When the Duke heard the stories circulating about her from the medical tent, he convinced Kara that the soldiers needed an icon. An artificer that was sworn to secrecy created a bracelet that hid all of Kara’s scars. Over the years, every time she has brought out Stormreaver she has added more scars, but needs to remain the ‘untouched hero.’ This has understandably made her a little cynical.   At first Kara was a little upset over being reassigned to the new outpost of Corvo Montagna, but she has since settled into her new role. She still struggles over the secrets she has to keep, but sharing her troubles with Jem has lightened the load a bit.   Her selfless service led Melody to name her as the Sheriff of the new County of Corvo. Since the disappearance of the Diamond Sentinels, she has been constantly moving around the county, defending the citizens and raising morale.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Sheriff of Corvo
Officer of the Order of Galifar
Year of Birth
970 YK 30 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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