Songspire Sappers Organization in Eberron | World Anvil
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Songspire Sappers

After the founding of the Songspire Adventurers Guild, adventurers started trickling in to Corvo Montagna looking for work. Many of them were inexperienced, such as Ivan and Helena, but Sonja Brand had years of mercenary experience and soon found herself saddled with the young hopefuls.   After a few missions together, the team started bonding, and when they were joined by the young goblin Tilly, they decided to formalise things by creating an Adventuring Party. Since then, they have handled many of the jobs many companies would consider beneath them without complaint. Sonja knows that her protégés will soon be up for more difficult contracts, but she is in no rush to put them in harm's way.
Founding Date
Parent Organization
Notable Members