Stormreach Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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Stormreach is a small frontier city nestled on the eastern coast of the Skyfall Peninsula in Xen'drik. Despite its small population, Stormreach is an important city because of its location, allowing easy docking access to travelers wishing to enter Xen'drik. The city also acts as a center for trade and commerce for all who visit the lost continent of Xen'drik. Stormreach is known by some as the "City of Dungeons" because it was built atop an ancient city from the long-lost civilization of giants.

Guilds and Factions

The Bilge Rats   The oldest and most notorious of the criminal gangs in Stormreach the Bilge Rats operate in the Harbor District. The Bilge Rats are involved heavily in extortion, robbery, smuggling and plain old violence. Very few commercial and financial activities in the Harbor District occur without interaction with Bilge Rats.   The Iron Watch   The Iron Watch is an elite company of warforged soldiers and the second line of defense in Stormreach. When situations arise that the Stormreach Guard cannot handle, the Iron Watch is called upon to do their work.


Stormreach was initially used as a hideout for pirates and smugglers who attacked vessels traversing the Thunder Sea to the north. From Stormreach, pirates could easily regroup, as well as trade among other pirates. In 800 YK, as the continent of Xen'drik became an interest to scholars and the dragonmarked houses, the houses petitioned the King of Galifar to cleanse the area of pirates and by 802 YK the Galifar navy had done its job. Despite ousting a large majority of the pirates and smugglers, a few powerful smugglers, called the Coin Lords, took advantage of the reduction in competition and became the first leaders of Stormreach. Their descendants continue to govern over Stormreach to this day.   The Omaren Revolt   In 890 YK, Castal Omarren, House Omaren's Stormlord, attempted to eliminate other stormlords to become the one and only ruler of the city. The coup failed, but the Omarens were allowed to maintain their lordship, but not without heavy penalties.   The Fire Storm   In 946 YK, the city was attacked by the Battalion of the Basalt Towers, fire giants who controlled meteor swarms that almost destroyed the city. They were defeated by an alliance of the giants of Rushemé, the Stormreach Guard, and the dragonmarked houses. The Basalt Towers were shattered, but some of the giants seem to have survived, and to be rebuilding their forces.   The Last War   Despite having sworn allegiance to Galifar, Stormreach and its multicultural inhabitants had no loyalty to the crown, remaining neutral throughout the Last War, at least in political affairs. In the years after the Last War, its enmities still resonate in the city's militias and gangs, who have developed based on national themes.

Points of interest

Black Iron
Primarily a smithy, Black Iron also deals in a variety of goods for giants and similar sized creatures. It is a centre for trade with the giants living in the outlying tent city of Rushemé, and it provides adventurers with a place to unload treasure of unusual size found in the ruins of Xen'Drik. A family of half-giants runs Black Iron. The venerable patriarch Hular is a master smith, but age is taking its toll on him. His youngest daughter Solarca has the spirit of an adventurer.  
The Chapterhouse
A joint venture of House Phiarlan and House Ghallanda, this squat structure serves as tavern, hostel, and performance space. It provided inexpensive accomodations and some of the best entertainment the city has to offer. Of course, information can be bought and sold at the Chapterhouse. The hostel almost always has rooms available at a decent price, the only drawback being that if you're staying at the Chapterhouse, you can be certain someone knows exactly what you're up to.  
Circle of Visions
Among the stranges of the giant ruins are the twelve rings of standing stones scattered abouth the fringes of Stormreach. Their function and operation is unknown, although each radiates an aura of faint illusion magic. About once a month, an image appears at night in the centre of one of the circles. Some times the image is a simple one (a fluttering dove, a crashing wave, a flowering fruit tree, an so on). Other times the images are more disturbing - a menacing quori or a sinister ziggurat deep within the jungle. So far, no one has been able to determine the pattern or purpose of the mysterious images.  
Citadel of the Twelve
All the dragonmarked houses have an interest in the magical secrets hidden in Xen'Drik. This outpost of the Twelve is located on the edge of the city. In addition to serving as a resource for explorers, the citadel is the best place to seek magic items and spellcasting services.  
Delera's Watch
Crypts and catacombs are hidden throughout Stormreach, but most of the ruined city's notables are buried in the district of Delera's Watch, named for one of the first Storm Lords. Aside from the tomb of Delera Omaren, this neighbourhood includes the crypts of a number of famous smugglers of old Stormreach. Naturally, tales abound of how these legendary pirates were buried with treasure maps, powerful magic items, or journals detailing the location of sunken merchant ships. There are stories of a subterranean necropolis of the giants beneath the city, where mummified corpses have lain undisturbed for more than forty thousand years. If this does exist, its entrance is well hidden.  
House Jorasco Enclave
House Jorasco's Healers Guild maintains what is essentially an urban hospital a short distance from the harbour. Joraso adepts provide healing at the standard rate. In addition to the spellcaster's ability to cast raise dead, the house possesses an altar of resurrection for use on behalf of favoured clients. However, strange events sometimes accompany the use of powerful necromancy in Stormreach.  
Molou's Distillery
A smelly distillery with cracked cisterns and patchwork metal tanks. Molour's makes kuryeva, a potent gin made from the berries of Xen'drik's kuryeva bush. Kuryeva is popular both in the coastal cities of southern Khorvaire and with sailors at sea, making the distillery one of the city's largest employers. Less reputable captains promise their otherwise surly crews a tot of kuryeva every day, because kuryeva drinkers are a docile lot.  
The Red Ring
The civilized nations of Khorvaire might frown on blood sport, but the Storm Lords have no such scruples. An astonishing array of events occurs in this arena of cromson stone, as gladiators do battle with savage giants, fantastic beasts, and each other. Not every battle is fought to the death, but in combat with the creatures of Xen'drik, anything can happen.  
The Ship's Cat
The Ship's Cat is an inn run by a shifter named Harysh, and while the neighbourhood is questionable, Harysh has a reputation for fair dealing and discretion. The inn takes its name from Harysh's dozen cats, which share the place with guests. Familiars and animal companions receive excellent care at the Ship's Cat, and as long as they leave the resident cats alone, they are always welcome at the inn.  
Stormreach Recruiters
People handy with a sword and willing to follow the Storm Lords' orders without question can easily find a place in the Stormreach Guard. Anyone who joins the Guard and completes the three-month training camp has all past crimes wiped away; most change their names to reflect this new beginning. The Storm Lords have extradited criminals before, but they stand by the guard - as long as they serve faithfully the guard can leave their pasts behind.  
Surrinek Riverboats
A shifter named Surrinek runs a passenger riverboat service, with skiffs crisscrossing Stormreach's numerous canals and branches of the River Koronoo. While the riverboat captains are taciturn towards longtime residents, and contemptuous of newcomers, if you win them over they can serve as an invaluable guide to the city and provide you with all the latest rumours and more.  
The Tents of Rushemé
Named for one of the first giants to peacefully deal with the Stormreach pirates, the Tents of Rushemé are home to a shifting assortment of nomadic giants who come to trade with the settlers of the moder city. The giants are generally peadceful, and their tents are outside the city grounds, so the Stormreach Guard doesn't interfere in anything that transpires there. While it is imperative to keep a civil tongue while in Rushemé, those willing to deal with the giants can acquire inexpensive trade goods, strange relics, and useful information.  
Von Ruthrek's Splendors of the South
  Valexa Von Ruthvek is one of Stormreach's best known antiquities dealers, able to identify even the most puzzling items uncovered among the giant ruins. She keeps a wide array of magic items and other curiosities in her store, all under lock, bar, and magical ward to deter thieves. Von Ruthvek offers magic item identification services for the usual rates, butr she often pays adventurers for a full expedition report if she is interested in finding out more about a particular relic they hafe found.
Founding Date
802 YK
Location under
Owning Organization


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