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History of Eberron

The History of Eberron.

Before the Founding of Galifar

... 1 YK

  • -11000001 BK

    -10000001 BK

    The Age of Dragons Begins
    Celestial / Cosmic

    In the mythic past, the world was one and the Progenitor Dragons, the first and greatest of dragon-kind, ruled all. The three most powerful (Siberys, Eberron, and Khyber) discovered (or created) the Draconic Prophecy. Khyber and Siberys disagreed over the Prophecy and battled with one another. Khyber was victorious over Siberys, and sought to take control of the Prophecy, only to be attacked by Eberron. Eberron wrapped his coils about Khyber, trapping the evil wyrm.   In the end, Siberys' shattered body became the Dragon Above - the glowing ring that surrounds the world. Khyber, still trapped in Eberron's coils, became the Dragon Below and the source for all great evils. Eberron healed the World Between by becoming one with it. Siberys called forth the next generation of dragons, Eberron created all manner of other living things, and Khyber spat out the fiends.

  • -10000001 BK

    -80001 BK

    The Age of Demons Begins
    Disaster / Destruction

    Khyber's fiendish offspring overrun the surface world, creating a hellish environment where rakshasas and night hags rule supreme.

  • -1500001 BK

    -100001 BK

    Rise of the Dragons

    Dragons rediscover the Prophecy and rise from their primitive state to oppose their demonic overlords. Unable to defeat the demonic hordes of the Dragon Below alone, the dragons ally with the couatls.   The common races, still in primitive states, hide from the godlike combatants and find a way to survive.

  • -100001 BK

    -80000 BK

    Sacrifice of the Couatls

    Recognizing their cause would otherwise be lost, the couatls sacrifice most of their number to bind the most powerful of the demon lords and the majority of the fiends back to Khyber. The couatls remain trapped for eternity with the fiends they bind. Victorious, the dragons retreat to Argonnessen to contemplate the Prophecy, ignoring the "lesser races."

  • -80001 BK

    -75001 BK

    The Age of Giants Begins
    Era beginning/end

    The giants rise from the ruins of the Dragon-Fiend Wars to establish a civilization on the continent of Xen'drik. They enslave the primitive elves, which has the inadvertent effect of pulling the first of the common races out of their primitive state.

  • -75001 BK

    -60001 BK

    Guarding Haka'torvhak
    Population Migration / Travel

    Dragons and dragonborn come to Q'barra to guard Haka'torvhak.

  • -60001 BK

    -40002 BK

    The Teaching of Magic
    Discovery, Scientific

    Dragons make contact with the giant kingdoms and teach the giants arcane magic.   The giants master the arcane arts, creating wonders unequaled even in the modern day. The elves - ignored by their giant masters - watch and learn

  • -40001 BK

    -39002 BK

    Invasion of the Quori
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The quori invade Xen'drik from the plane of Dal Quor, the Plane of Dreams. After 1,000 years of battle, the giants call upon the most powerful magics of the dragons to throw Dal Quor out of planar alignment, forever sealing that plane away from Eberron. The resulting backlash shakes Xen'drik to its core and plunges large chunks of the continent beneath the sea.

  • -39001 BK

    -38002 BK

    Rebellion of the Elves

    1,000 years after the end of the Giant-Quori War, Xen'drik is still suffering from the magical backlash of disrupting Dal Quor's planar orbit. Horrible curses and plagues still sweep through the land, and the elves use the opportunity to rebel. A corps of elves - called the Phiarlan or "Spirit Keepers" - work as bards, scouts, and couriers during the elven rebellion against the giants. In a desperate attempt to regain control of their slaves and save their dying civilization, the giants turn again to the most powerful draconic magics. Before they can unleash such destruction a second time, the dragons attack Xen'drik and the giant civilization collapses. The Phiarlan spread the word of the elven prophet Aeren, gathering elves to flee Xen'drik for the sub-continent that would become known as Aerenal. The elves who chose to stay behind in Xen'drik and go into hiding, become the drow.

  • -38001 BK

    -29002 BK

    The Age of Monsters Begins
    Era beginning/end

    The giants revert to primitive monsters living in the ruins of their shattered civilization as the dragons return to their secluded continent and the elves settle Aerenal. The first of the goblinoid kingdoms, Dhakaan, rises in the area that will one day become Breland and Darguun.

  • -29001 BK

    -25002 BK

    Orc and Elf Nations Rise

    Orc nations arise in western Khorvaire to compete with the goblinoid kingdoms.   Aerenal elves spread across the sub-continent of Aerenal, creating clusters of city-states.

  • -25001 BK

    -19002 BK

    The Undying Court Appears
    Political event

    The Undying Court appears in Aerenal.   First skirmish between the elves and the dragons, which sets a pattern of long periods of peace punctuated by short, devastating battles every few hundred years.

  • -19001 BK

    -15002 BK

    Displacement of the Lizardfolk
    Population Migration / Travel

    The goblinoids push the kechuala (lizardfolk) out of the Talenta Plains and into the Endworld Mountains. Many of the lizardfolk that survived the goblin armies die in the mountains. The small remaining fraction make their way into the jungle of what is now Q'barra.

  • -15001 BK

    -15000 BK

    Founding of the Dhakaani Empire

    The Dhakaani unite the goblinoid nations to create the greatest empire the goblins have ever known.

  • -14999 BK

    -11002 BK

    The Orcs Learn Druidic Magic
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The dragon Vvaraak, in response to a portion of The Prophecy he had been studying, begins teaching the orcs druidic magic. These orcs become the first Gatekeeper druids.

  • -11001 BK

    -9002 BK

    Migration of the Dwarves
    Population Migration / Travel

    The dwarves migrate from the Frostfell to the Ironroot Mountains.

  • -9001 BK

    -8003 BK

    Elves Arrive on Khorvaire
    Population Migration / Travel

    Aerenal elves establish a colony in what is now present-day Valenar. Peaceful coexistence doesn't last, and the elves come into conflict with the Dhakaani. The elves abandon the colony when another clash with the dragons threatens Aerenal.

  • -8001 BK

    -4002 BK

    Invasion of the Daelkyr
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The daelkyr - a race of immensely powerful beings from Xoriat, the Plane of Madness - invade Eberron. They are eventually defeated by the Gatekeeper druids, who seal the portals to Xoriat and trap the remaining daelkyr below ground, but not before decimating the western reaches of Khorvaire.

  • -4001 BK

    -3102 BK

    Collapse of the Dhakaani Empire

    Weakened by the Daelkyr War, the Dhakaani government collapses to internal power-struggles and civil strife. Goblinoid city-states and smaller nations endure, but lack the political and military cohesion of the earlier empire.

  • -3101 BK

    -3100 BK

    The Great Druid Awakens
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The greatpine Oalian (the future Great Druid of Eldeen Reaches) is awakened.

  • -2201 BK

    -2102 BK

    The Age of the Mark Begins
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Mark of Hospitality appears among halflings of the Talenta Plains. The Mark of Shadow and the Mark of Death appear among the elves of Aerenal. The dragons watch in awe and horror as the Prophecy begins to unfold among the “lesser” races.

  • -2101 BK

    -2002 BK

    Founding of Io'vakas
    Construction beginning/end

    Founding of Io'vakas in Argonnessen built by the "lesser races" that the dragons transplanted from their ancestral homes across Eberron.

  • -2001 BK

    -1977 BK

    Humans Arrive in Khorvaire
    Population Migration / Travel

    Lhazaar leads humans from the continent of Sarlona to the eastern shores of Khorvaire. The humans land in the pre-Galifar Lhazaar Principalities, and have little or no contact with the fractious goblin states.   The Mark of Healing appears among halflings of the Talenta Plains

  • -1976 BK

    -1802 BK

    Founding of Shaarat
    Construction beginning/end

    Founding of the city of Shaarat by Malleon the Reaver built on top of the ruins of the Dhakaani city of Duur'Shaarat.

  • -1801 BK

    -1602 BK

    Mark of Scribing Appears
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Mark of Scribing appears among the gnomes of Zilargo

  • -1601 BK

    -1503 BK

    Destruction of House Vol
    Disaster / Destruction

    Elves & dragons unite to destroy House Vol (which carries the Mark of Death), ending millennia of intermittent warfare between the two species. Lady Vol, Lich Queen of the Dead is created. House Phiarlan leaves Aerenal to relocate among the humans of Khorvaire. The Mark of Sentinel appears among humans of pre-Galifar Karrnath.

  • -1501 BK

    -1402 BK

    Humans Expand in Khorvaire
    Population Migration / Travel

    The distinct settlements that will become the Five Nations are cut out of goblin-controlled central Khorvaire. The Mark of Making appears among humans of pre-Galifar Cyre. The Mark of Warding appears among the dwarves of the Mror Holds.

  • -1401 BK

    -1392 BK

    Destruction of Shaarat
    Disaster / Destruction

    King Breggor of the nation of Wroat orders the city of Shaarat destroyed due to the descendants of Malleon refusing to bow to his authority

  • -1391 BK

    -1002 BK

    Founding of Sharn
    Construction beginning/end

    The city of Sharn is built on top of the ruins of the city of Shaarat by King Breggor.

  • -1001 BK

    -903 BK

    Founding of Karrnath
    Diplomatic action

    Karrn the Conquerer establishes the nation of Karrnath, defeats the remaining goblinoid settlements, and unsuccessfully attempts to conquer the other four human nations. The Mark of Storm appears among half-elves of pre-Galifar Thrane. The discovery of Houses Ghallanda, Jorasco, and Lyrandar by Karrnathi soldiers in the Talenta Plains.

  • -901 BK

    -808 BK

    Mark of Passage Appears
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Mark of Passage appears among humans of pre-Galifar Aundair.

  • -803 BK

    -802 BK

    Arrival of the Kalashtar
    Population Migration / Travel

    Taratai and the kalashtar appear in Adar fleeing Dal Quor.

  • -801 BK

    -502 BK

    Mark of Handling Appears
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Mark of Handling appears among humans in the Eldeen Reaches.

  • -501 BK

    -495 BK

    War of the Mark Begins
    Disaster / Destruction

    The dragonmarked houses launch the War of the Mark to end the threat of aberrant and mixed marks. Quori begin conquest of Sarlona which brings a second wave of humans to Khorvaire's eastern shores. The Mark of Detection appears among half-elves of pre-Galifar Breland.

  • -494 BK

    -304 BK

    War of the Mark Ends
    Disaster / Destruction

    The War of the Mark comes to an end when Lord Tarkanan, the Lady of the Plague, and his other lieutenants - in a last great act of defiance - cause the destruction of the city of Sharn and the believed extinction of the aberrant mark. The Twelve is established.

  • -303 BK

    -202 BK

    Founding of Riedra
    Diplomatic action

    Founding of Riedra and their unification under the Inspired.

  • -201 BK

    -18 BK

    Destruction of Io'vakas
    Disaster / Destruction

    Io'vakas is destroyed by the dragons due to a small sect of yuan-ti who sought more power and the deepest mysteries of draconic magic for themselves. Arnaarlasha (the noble gold dragon great wyrm of the Warders) along with a dozen elder dragons shepherd a thousand survivors of Io'vakas to the slopes of Mount Erishnak where they create the city of Io'lokar, the City of Knowledge.

  • -46 BK

    Birth of Galifar I
    Life, Birth

    Galifar I is born in the city of Korth in Karrnath.

  • -42 BK

    Border Wars Begin
    Political event

    The Border Wars begin, eventually drawing in all five human nations of central Khorvaire.

  • -25 BK

    Ascension of Galifar
    Diplomatic action

    Galifar assumes rulership of Karrnath.

  • -15 BK

    War of Unification Begins
    Military action

    Galifar begins his campaign to unite the Five Nations.

  • -8 BK

    Beginning of Dragonmarked Neutrality
    Diplomatic action

    Galifar makes a deal with the dragonmarked houses, offering them neutral status in exchange for support in his campaign

  • -3 BK

    The Mark of Finding Appears
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Mark of Finding appears among humans and half-orcs of the Shadow Marches

  • 0 BK

    Kingdom of Galifar Created
    Diplomatic action

    Galifar I and his five scions - Cyre, Karrn, Thrane, Aundair, and Brey - take control of the Five Nations and establish the Kingdom of Galifar

After the Founding of Galifar

1 BK and beyond

  • 2 YK

    Kingdom of Galifar Created
    Diplomatic action

    Galifar I and his five scions - Cyre, Karrn, Thrane, Aundair, and Brey - take control of the Five Nations and establish the Kingdom of Galifar

  • 16 YK

    Arcane Congress Established
    Diplomatic action

    Galifar I establishes the Arcane Congress in Arcanix in Aundair.

  • 29 YK

    Galifar-Lhazaar War Begins
    Military action

    Galifar-Lhazaar War, a decade-long conflict, begins.

  • 33 YK

    Rebuilding of Sharn
    Construction beginning/end

    The city of Sharn is once again rebuilt on top of the old cities' ruins. The Five Nations of Galifar adopt the names of King Galifar's children as their own.

  • 41 YK

    Ascension of Cyre
    Diplomatic action

    Galifar, now eighty-five winters old, steps down and passes rulership of the kingdom to his oldest remaining scion, Cyre.

  • 54 YK

    Death of Galifar I
    Life, Death

    Galifar I dies.

  • 107 YK

    House Kundarak Recognized
    Diplomatic action

    House Kundarak is recognized by the established dragonmarked houses.

  • 300 YK

    Church of the Silver Flame Established
    Cultural event

    The Church of the Silver Flame is born.

  • 348 YK

    Stormhome Established
    Construction beginning/end

    House Lyrandar takes possession of an island off the coast of Aundair to create Stormhome.

  • 499 YK

    House Tharashk Created
    Diplomatic action

    House Sivis discovers the Mark of Finding while exploring the Shadow Marches. House Tharashk is created shortly thereafter.

  • 513 YK

    Starpeaks Observatory Constructed
    Construction beginning/end

    King Daroon orders the construction of the Starpeaks Observatory.

  • 601 YK

    Battle of Arnaarlasha's Fall
    Military action

    The Battle of Arnaarlasha's Fall begins a day after Arnaarlasha (gold dragon great wyrm of the Warders) dies. The battle only lasts 4 days as the city successfully defends itself from the Rogue dragons. Clan Noldrun of the Mror Holds disappears.

  • 779 YK

    Cazhaak Draal Taken Over
    Diplomatic action

    Medusas from Khyber take possession of Cazhaak Draal.

  • 784 YK

    Speaking Stones Developed
    Discovery, Scientific

    The first speaking stones developed by the Twelve.

  • 790 YK

    Message Stations Developed
    Discovery, Scientific

    House Sivis message stations begin operations.

  • 798 YK

    Mordain the Fleshweaver Expelled
    Life, Organisation Association

    Mordain the Fleshweaver is Excoriated from House Phiarlan for practicing the forbidden magical arts of the Daelkyr.

  • 803 YK

    Stormreach Expanded
    Construction beginning/end

    The Kingdom of Galifar, in cooperation with the dragonmarked houses, funds the upgrade of the trade city of Stormreach on the northern peninsula of Xen'drik.

  • 812 YK

    First Lightning Rail Built
    Construction beginning/end

    First lightning rail connects Flamekeep and Fairhaven.

  • 833 YK

    Silver Purge Begins

    The Inquisition to wipe out lycanthropes (aka the Silver Purge) is launched by the Church of the Silver Flame. Over the course of the next 50 years, virtually all Lycanthropes on the continent are slain.

  • 846 YK

    Publication of the Deviant Celestia
    Discovery, Scientific

    Publication of the Deviant Celestia.  King Jarot begins a public works project to connect all of central Khorvaire via lightning rails.

  • 874 YK

    Blackroot Discovered
    Discovery, Exploration

    Discovery of Blackroot (Mordain the Fleshweaver's tower in Droaam).

  • 879 YK

    Darguunian Mercenaries Appear
    Political event

    House Deneith begins to provide clients with goblinoid mercenaries from Darguun region

  • 891 YK

    Omaren Revolt Suppressed

    City of Stormreach puts down the Omaren Revolt.

  • 895 YK

    Great War Begins

    King Jarot, the last ruler of Galifar dies. Thalin, Kaius, and Wroann reject the succession of Mishann. Wrogar backs his sister's claim, and the Last War begins.

  • 897 YK

    Emerald Claw Appears
    Political event

    Order of the Emerald Claw established.

  • 898 YK

    Kaius I Becomes a Vampire
    Life, Supernatural

    Desperate to save Karrnath from the ravages of the Last War, Kaius I of Karrnath pledges his kingdom to The Blood of Vol. For his trouble, Kaius I is turned into a vampire by the lich-goddess Vol

  • 911 YK

    Ascension of Kaius II
    Life, Milestone

    Kaius II ascends to the throne of Karrnath after Kaius I disappears.

  • 915 YK

    Mror Holds Declares Independence

    The Mror Holds declares it's independence. Thalin of Thrane dies and the Church of the Silver Flame assumes control of the nation.

  • 919 YK

    Glass Tower Destroyed
    Disaster / Destruction

    Unknown saboteurs destroy the Glass Tower of Sharn.

  • 929 YK

    Founding of Q'barra
    Population Migration / Travel

    Duke Ven ir'Kesslan leads settlers from Cyre to forge the nation of Q'barra.

  • 947 YK

    Battle of Stormreach
    Military action

    City of Stormreach is attacked by the Battalion of the Basalt Towers, but with the help of the Giants of Rusheme Stormreach wins the battle.

  • 957 YK

    Founding of Valenar

    Southern annex of Cyre becomes the Elf Nation of Valenar.

  • 959 YK

    Founding of Eldeen Reaches

    The Eldeen Reaches declares itself an independent nation under the protection of the Wardens of the Wood and the guidance of the Great Druid Oalian.

  • 962 YK

    Ascension of Boranel
    Life, Milestone

    Boranel becomes king of Breland.

  • 963 YK

    Zilargo-Breland Alliance
    Political event

    Zilargo - always an independent protectorate of Breland - formally aligns with Breland.

  • 966 YK

    Warforged Created
    Discovery, Scientific

    House Cannith perfects the modern-era warforged, living constructs designed to fight the Last War.

  • 970 YK

    Darguun Created

    Haruuc leads the hobgoblin rebellion against the nation of Cyre & Breland, and the nation of Darguun is born.

  • 973 YK

    House Phiarlan Splits
    Political event

    House Thuranni splits off from House Phiarlan.

  • 977 YK

    Emerald Claw Outlawed
    Political event

    Regent Moranna of Karrnath outlaws the Order of the Emerald Claw.

  • 981 YK

    Ascension of Aurala
    Life, Milestone

    Queen Aurala's reign of Aundair begins.

  • 987 YK

    Droaam Created

    A trio of hags known as the Daughters of Sora Kell invade western Breland with an army of trolls, ogres, and gnolls. Unable to confront both the monsters and fight its opponents in the Last war, King Boranel pulls settlers back and seals off the land west of the Graywall Mountains. The Daughters of Sora Kell declare the sovereignty of the nation of Droaam.

  • 991 YK

    Airships Created
    Discovery, Scientific

    The first elemental airships go into service for House Lyrandar.

  • 992 YK

    Ascension of Kaius III
    Life, Milestone

    Kaius III's rule of Karrnath begins upon his 20th birthday.

  • 994 YK

    Ascension of Jaela Daran
    Life, Milestone

    Jaela Daran (age 6) assumes the power of the Keeper of the Silver Flame.

  • 995 YK

    The Mourning
    Disaster / Destruction

    A magical blast of unprecedented power obliterates the nation of Cyre creating the Mournland.

  • 997 YK

    Treaty of Thronehold
    Diplomatic action

    The Treaty of Thronehold officially ends the Last War. The treaty officially recognizes the nations of Aundair, Breland, Thrane, Karrnath, the Talenta Plains, Zilargo, Q'barra, the Lhazaar Principalities, the Mror Holds, the Eldeen Reaches, Darguun, and Valenar. The treaty further commands House Cannith to destroy the creation forges (the devices used to create warforged). Remaining warforged are granted the rights of sentient beings.