Grikka Vixnak Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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Grikka Vixnak

Councillor Grikka Vixnak

Grikka is a robust goblin with a stature that belies her height, standing at a mere 3'6". Possessing a physique molded by years of toil, she is short but with a stout frame, broad shoulders, and powerfully muscular arms

Physical Description

Physical quirks

Her sickly green skin is a canvas of scars and bruises, testament to her years in the mines. The messy bun she often sports speaks of a goblin more concerned with functionality than appearance.

Special abilities

Beyond her physical strength, Grikka possesses an uncanny ability to identify the quality of ore by touch, an invaluable skill in her line of work.

Apparel & Accessories

Grikka can usually be seen wearing a soot and dirt-covered apron, a testament to her profession. Her faded red bandana, worn like a crown, keeps her unruly brown curls at bay.

Specialized Equipment

As a seasoned blacksmith, Grikka has her set of hammers, tongs, and other smithing tools. Each tool is meticulously maintained, reflecting her dedication to her craft.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Grikka Ruknok, born amidst the unassuming Glintrock Range, evolved from a mischievous goblin child to one of the region's premier blacksmiths, mastering the intricacies of metalwork from a young age. With the sudden discovery and boom of @glimmer a decade ago, Grikka's expertise took a revolutionary turn; she ingeniously harnessed glimmerstone's unique properties for crafting, promoting mining efficiency and advocating for the welfare of her laboring kin. Facing challenges from the influx of outsiders and mining disputes, her fiery spirit and dedication led to her election to the council, solidifying her status as a symbol of goblin resilience and innovation in the transformed Glintrock landscape.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Renowned as a master blacksmith, Grikka crafted tools and weapons crucial for the mining community. Her hard work and dedication to her craft earned her respect, paving the way for her election to the council as a voice for the working-class goblins.

Intellectual Characteristics

While Grikka may not be the most academic of thinkers, she has an astute mind sharpened by years in the mines. She possesses a keen understanding of metallurgy and craftsmanship and is often sought out for her expertise in these areas.

Morality & Philosophy

Grikka's philosophy is straightforward: loyalty to kin and community above all. She believes in hard work, fair compensation, and is unafraid to confront anyone she believes is jeopardizing the welfare of her fellow goblins

Personality Characteristics


Grikka is driven by a deep sense of duty to her community. She endeavors to ensure that her fellow goblins are safe, treated fairly, and that their voices are heard.

Likes & Dislikes

Grikka has a penchant for a well-made tool and appreciates the hum of a busy forge. However, she despises laziness and has little patience for bureaucratic red tape.


Social Aptitude

Grikka's gruff and straightforward demeanor can be off-putting to some, but those who know her appreciate her honesty. She's not one for pleasantries and values actions over words


When agitated, Grikka has a habit of clenching and unclenching her fists. She also tends to raise her voice when passionate about a topic.

Hobbies & Pets

While she doesn't own any pets, Grikka does enjoy the occasional game of Goblin Knucklebones when she has some free time.


Grikka's voice is raspy, a result of years inhaling the fumes of the forge. Her tone is firm and assertive, and she speaks with the distinctive dialect of the mining goblins, punctuated with mining jargon and smithing terms.

Wealth & Financial state

While she's not the richest in the traditional sense, her expertise and position on the council ensure she lives comfortably.
Character Location
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Dark Brown
95 lb
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