Glintrock Range Geographic Location in Eberron | World Anvil
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Glintrock Range

The Glintrock Range is a rugged and hilly badlands region situated between the Thundering Steppes and the towering Graywall Mountains. Its challenging terrain features sparse vegetation, small pockets of trees, and the Serpentrock River flowing through its center.   Primarily inhabited by Orcs, Kobolds, and Goblins, life is harsh but sustained through reliance on hardy scrub plants, cavern fungi, and the hunting of Sand Drakes and Razorbacks. The range's recent fame is tied to the discovery of Glimmerstone, attracting a new wave of miners in search of wealth.  


  • Brightrock—Large Glimmerstone mining town on the Serpentrock River
  • Blackvein—Small Glimmerstone mining town nestled in the hills north of Brightrock
  • Crystalhold—Glimmerstone mining town south of the Serpentrock river partially built underground
  • Deadwood—Logging town on the Serpentrock river next to a large forest
  • Ironwood Logging Camp—Small logging camp on the northern edge of the Range
  • Hillhammer—Iron and Copper mining town on the northern edge of the Range built between a valley
  • Blackclaw Ranch—A Razorback ranch north of Blackvein
  • Dustbowl—A Sand Drake ranch along the Serpentrock river
  • Sprocket—A small Gnome village built partially into the surrounding hills.
  • Moonshadow Grove—A secretive shifter/lycanthrope commune at the base of the Graywall Mountains.
  • Sunscale Enclave—A small Lizardfolk commune in the hills of the Glintrock Range

Points of Interest

  • Serpentrock River—A river that flows down the Graywall Mountains through the Range and Thundering Steppes into the sea
  • Ravenrock—Military outpost controlled by the Daughters of Sora Kell to keep watch of activity over the Graywall Mountains


The Glintrock Range consists of rocky hills and badlands, with cliffs and steep slopes scattered throughout. The Serpentfolk River, the largest waterway in the region, meanders down the middle, providing a lifeline for settlements and wildlife alike.


The ecosystem in the Glintrock Range is arid and challenging. Vegetation is limited to hardy scrub plants like Razorwheat and Fangcorn, which manage to survive despite the harsh conditions. Small pockets of trees offer shelter for some creatures, while caverns provide habitat for fungi, which are a crucial food source for some settlements.

Ecosystem Cycles

Due to the arid climate and limited vegetation, the ecosystem in the Glintrock Range revolves around scarcity and adaptation. Creatures have evolved to endure the challenging conditions, relying on their resilience and resourcefulness to survive.

Localized Phenomena

The region experiences localized phenomena such as dust storms, intense thunderstorms, and occasional flash floods during the rainy season. These events can reshape the landscape and pose risks to settlements and travelers.


The climate in the Glintrock Range is generally dry and arid, characterized by hot summers and cold winters. Thunderstorms are frequent during the rainy season, providing temporary relief from the dry spell but also bringing risks like flash floods and land slides.

Fauna & Flora

Despite the harsh environment, pockets of sparse vegetation cling to existence along the riverbanks, providing a stark contrast to the otherwise desolate surroundings. Hardy trees, resilient weeds, thistles, and tufts of grass stubbornly take root, providing a semblance of life and sustenance for the few creatures that call this inhospitable region home.
  • Razorback
  • Sand Drake
  • Owlbear
  • Prowler Beast
  • Thundering Falcon
  • Sparkroot Grass
  • Steppe Nightshade
  • Razorwheat
  • Fangcorn

Natural Resources

  • Metals
  • Wood
  • Leather
  • Hide
  • Stone
  • Glimmerstone


The Glintrock Range has been home to orcish, kobold, and goblin settlements for centuries. These hardy communities have survived by adapting to the harsh environment and making use of the region's mining resources. The discovery of Glimmerstone has brought about a significant change in the region, attracting new settlers and miners seeking fortune.


Tourism in the Glintrock Range is limited due to its challenging environment and focus on mining activities. However, adventurers and thrill-seekers are drawn to the region, hoping to strike it rich with the discovery of valuable gemstones or seeking the excitement of exploring the rugged badlands.

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