House Deneith Organization in Eberron | World Anvil
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House Deneith

House Deneith, a human Dragonmarked House, boasts renowned mercenaries and bodyguards celebrated for their exceptional martial prowess and efficiency. As the muscle of the dragonmarked houses, they offer raw power to bolster the armies of nations. During the The Last War, Deneith maintained strict neutrality by providing soldiers to all sides, ensuring their business thrived.  


Individuals bearing the Mark of Sentinel are affiliated with House Deneith and serve in the Blademarks Guild and the Defenders Guild. Their roles encompass providing bodyguard services to prominent and wealthy individuals and acting as imperial marshals to uphold the Empire's laws in frontier settlements. Unmarked individuals usually secure employment as city guards, soldiers, or other martial occupations, utilizing their skills and expertise outside the dragonmarked house's specialized roles.  


Founded in Karrnath, House Deneith's roots run deep in the ways of war. The Blademarks guild, governing the mercenary trade, has been central to their operations for centuries. Elite forces bearing the Mark of Sentinel are among their ranks, and they broker the services of various soldiers, including Valenar war bands and Droaam goblins. In addition to battlefield prowess, the Defenders Guild provides top-tier bodyguards for those who can afford their protection. House Deneith's Sentinel Marshals, empowered to enforce the law throughout Khorvaire, bear the house's honor and operate with high expectations.   Despite their military might and ambitious advisors yearning for dominance, House Deneith remains steadfast in its absolute neutrality, offering services to all sides of conflicts. Baron Breven d'Deneith upholds this neutrality, but internal tensions arise as some seek to wield the house's vast military forces for personal gain. Moreover, House Deneith finds itself in a growing rivalry with House Tharashk, which encroaches on the mercenary trade.
Founding Date
2,600 BG
Guild, Professional
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Related Species
Mark of Sentinel
Blademarks Guild
Defenders Guild
Sentinel Marshals


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