Droaam Geographic Location in Eberron | World Anvil
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Droaam, founded in 986 YK by the Daughters of Sora Kell, is a nation ruled by monsters, making it a daunting territory for most civilized races. Limited connections to Khorvaire exist through a single House Orien roadway passing through Graywall into The Great Crag. House Tharashk has established a mutually beneficial business relationship, facilitating mercenary contracts between Droaam's inhabitants and the outside world. Recently, House Tharashk gained permission to mine in Droaam, initiating the exploitation of its extensive byeshk mines and Eberron Dragonshard fields.
  For many outsiders, Droaam is a place of fear and uncertainty, known only for its monstrous inhabitants and brutal rulers. But for those willing to look deeper, it is a land of untold potential, with natural resources, ancient artifacts, and cultural treasures waiting to be discovered. Whether you seek adventure, knowledge, or power, Droaam has something to offer.  


Droaam's borders are defined by a precarious connection with The Shadow Marches to the west, and natural barriers such as the Byeshk Mountains to the north, the Graywall Mountains to the east, and the Thunder Sea to the south. The region, characterized by inhospitable barren plains, remained unsettled due to its challenging terrain. Sparse groves of trees dot the landscape, and the terrain becomes increasingly rocky near the mountains. Although lacking in arable land, Droaam is abundant in mineral resources, with rich veins of byeshk in the northern mountains and widespread fields of Eberron dragonshards.


The Daughters of Sora Kell are transforming Droaam through a combination of cunning, Magic, and the might of their Troll and Ogre forces. Roads now connect major communities, fostering a fragile sense of cooperation among the diverse monstrous inhabitants. In major cities, harpies, ogres, orcs, and others coexist, going about their business. Beyond city limits, racial divides persist, with warlords loyal to the Sisters ruling through strength. The nation's primitive nature is maintained, often due to the lower intelligence of physically imposing races.   The hags intervene in major threats to Droaam's stability, such as inter-monster community battles or caravan raids, aiming for formal recognition by other nations. Lesser crimes are mostly overlooked unless a warlord takes personal offense. Some, particularly followers of Sheshka, enforce stricter rules in their domains, ensuring even weaker citizens lead decent lives.   Droaam's government follows a despotic feudalism structure, where powerful warlords pay tribute to the Daughters of Sora Kell in exchange for ruling specific sections. Though warlords see the hags shaping Droaam's power, the nation remains volatile with frequent feuds, assassinations, and coups.   Excluded from the Treaty of Thronehold, Droaam disregards eastern laws, making settlements like Graywall havens for criminals, smugglers, and fugitives.  

Notable Groups

The Dark Pack
Daughters of Sora Kell
Drul Kantar
Gorodan Ashlord
Harpy flights
House Deneith
House Tharashk
Kethelrax the Cunning
Mordain the Fleshweaver
The Prince of Bones
The Queen of Stone
Rhesh Turakbar
Tzaryan Rrac
The Venom Lords
The Znir Pact


Droaam lacks a national religion, and the hags make no effort to impose one. However, a universal disdain for the Church of the Silver Flame exists among Droaam's monstrous races due to the church's crusades against them. Individuals openly displaying Silver Flame symbols can expect hostile reactions and potential danger.   Communities in Droaam follow their own religious customs. Worship of The Mockery and The Shadow is widespread, with changelings often honoring The Traveler. The Dark Six, as well as Cults of the Dragon Below, find representation, and Fiend worship is not uncommon.   Specific examples of worship include The Horned Prince revered by minotaurs, the Song of Passion and Rage by harpies in the Last Dirge, Stormsong by Stormsinger harpies, Znir idols reflecting Gnoll ancestor worship, and the popular Voices of The Shadow, especially among medusas and Oni. Skinners, devoted to The Mockery, also have a presence. Openly practicing the Silver Flame's faith in Droaam is met with hostility and potential danger.  


Droaam's attempts to be recognized in the Thronehold Accords were unsuccessful, leaving the nation unrecognized by any other nation. Despite this, Droaam's strength lies in its formidable monstrous laborers and mercenaries. Ogres and minotaurs from Droaam are in high demand, particularly in Breland, Aundair, and Zilargo, where their reliability, devoid of complaint or dissent, makes them favored by clients.   Thrane adamantly rejects any association with these monsters, leading to mutual disdain between Droaam's inhabitants and the followers of the Silver Flame. House Tharashk plays a crucial role as an intermediary, facilitating communication between Droaam and other nations, especially with Thrane. The monstrous workforce's patriotism or fear of their Hag queens further strengthens their reputation, making them sought after in various regions.


Droaam is a diverse and rugged landscape, with a range of terrains and ecosystems spread throughout the region. The northernmost part of the country is characterized by arid and rocky terrain, with sparse vegetation and few water sources. As you move further south, the landscape becomes more hospitable, with more grasses and scrub brush appearing. However, the region is still relatively dry and arid, with water sources scarce and the terrain rugged.   In the central part of Droaam lies a thick, dense forest that covers much of the midwestern section of the country. This forest is teeming with life, with a wide variety of plant and animal species living within its borders. The forest is also home to many dangerous predators, including giant spiders, owlbears, and dire wolves. It is said that there are even more dangerous creatures hidden deep within the forest, waiting to be discovered by intrepid adventurers.   Beyond the forest lies a series of rolling hills and grasslands, stretching south towards the coast. These areas are home to a variety of hardy creatures, including wild boars, bison, and prairie dogs. The grasslands are dotted with rocky outcroppings and scrub brush, providing cover for predators and prey alike. The southernmost reaches of Droaam are dominated by a rugged coastline, with sheer cliffs and rocky beaches stretching for miles along the sea. The ocean is wild and unpredictable, with fierce storms and powerful currents making it dangerous for even the most experienced sailors.  
  • The Dusts—An arid badlands located in the northern section of Droaam bordering the Byeshk Mountains.
  • The Heartlands—The central region of Droaam, home to the capital city of the Great Crag with sparse vegetation and rough terrain.
  • Watching Wood—A dense forest bordering the Shadow Marches in the midwestern part of Droaam, home to many fey and dangerous beasts.
  • Graywall Plains—A southern region of Droaam with pockets of rolling grassy hills, arid gorges, sweeping plateaus, and oases around lakes and rivers, bordering the Graywall Mountains to the west.
  • Graywall Mountains—A mountain range located in the western part of Droaam that serves as a natural barrier between the country and the Eldeen Reaches.
  • Byeshk Mountains—A mountain range to the north of Droaam that separates the country from Breland.
  • Ecosystem

    Droaam's ecosystem is a diverse mix of arid rocky terrain, sparse grasslands, and dense forest. The northern region is characterized by barren landscapes with little vegetation, while as you move further south, the amount of grass increases, creating a savannah-like environment. The forested midwestern section of Droaam is teeming with life, with a lush canopy and a diverse range of flora and fauna.   The area is home to various predators such as dire wolves, owlbears, and displacer beasts, as well as prey such as deer, elk, and wild boars. The rivers and lakes of Droaam are home to various fish and aquatic creatures, providing a food source for both the inhabitants of Droaam and the creatures that inhabit the land. Overall, Droaam's ecosystem is a complex and diverse web of life, shaped by the unique geography of the region.

    Ecosystem Cycles

    Droaam's ecosystem is shaped by a cycle of frequent wildfires, flash floods, and storms throughout the region. In the north, the arid and rocky terrain is particularly susceptible to wildfires, which can spread quickly and devastate large areas of land. As the landscape becomes slightly more hospitable moving south, grasses and shrubs become more common, but are still prone to ignition during dry spells.   The midwestern section of Droaam is dominated by a dense forest, where rainfall is more abundant and the risk of wildfires is lower. However, the forest is also vulnerable to flash floods during heavy rains, as the soil in the region becomes quickly saturated and water can rush through narrow canyons and valleys.   The storms that sweep through Droaam are powerful and often accompanied by high winds and lightning strikes, which can ignite fires or cause damage to structures. These storms are most common during the spring and summer months, when warm air masses from the south collide with cooler air from the north.

    Localized Phenomena

    In Droaam, there are several localized phenomena that are believed to be linked to the after-effects of the Daelkyr War with the Dhakaani. One of the most notable of these is the presence of manifest zones, areas where the boundaries between the planes are weakened and magic can be unpredictable. These manifest zones can shift and change over time, and can have a variety of effects on the creatures and environments around them.   Some manifest zones in Droaam are believed to be linked to the daelkyr themselves, and can have a corrupting influence on those who spend too much time in them. Other manifest zones are linked to the natural world, and can have beneficial effects on the creatures and ecosystems in the surrounding area.   In addition to manifest zones, Droaam is also known for its frequent wildfires, flash floods, and storms. These natural disasters are often unpredictable and can cause significant damage to the environment and settlements in the region. Some believe that these events are linked to the after-effects of the daelkyr war, and that they are a form of lingering corruption from that time.


    Droaam experiences a range of climatic conditions throughout the year. In the winter months, the north of Droaam is characterized by arid and chilly conditions, with occasional snowfall in the mountainous regions. As you move southward, the temperatures become milder, with more grasslands and savannas.   Spring in Droaam is marked by sporadic rainfall, with temperatures gradually rising as the season progresses. The grasslands and savannas in the south begin to become more lush and green, and the forests come to life with new growth.   Summer in Droaam is hot and dry, with temperatures often reaching uncomfortable levels in the southern regions. Wildfires are a common occurrence during this season, especially in the grasslands and savannas. The forested regions in the west, however, are slightly cooler and more humid due to the canopy cover.   Autumn in Droaam brings cooler temperatures and less rain, with some areas experiencing a drought. The forests begin to turn colors, and the grasslands become more brown and dry. Flash floods are common during this season, especially in the canyons and arid regions of the north.

    Fauna & Flora

    Droaam is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, with many unique species found only in its borders. The northern regions, characterized by arid rocky terrain, are home to creatures such as giant scorpions, sand lions, and desert lizards. As one moves further south, the landscape becomes less rocky and more grassy, with creatures such as manticores, bullettes, and wyverns.   In the midwestern section of Droaam lies the Shadow Marches, a dense forest where monstrous creatures such as Blink Dogs, Giant Spiders, and Owlbears can be found. The forest is also home to various dangerous predators, such as the displacer beasts and chuuls, which are said to be the result of the Daelkyr War.   In addition to these creatures, Droaam also has a variety of unique flora, including the rare and magical glimmerweed, which is highly sought after for its healing properties. The forest of the Shadow Marches is known for its giant mushrooms and twisted, gnarled trees, which are said to be imbued with magical properties.   Overall, Droaam's ecosystem is characterized by its diversity and danger, with many creatures and plants possessing unique abilities and properties that make them both valuable and deadly.

    Natural Resources

    Droaam is a land of abundant natural resources, many of which are highly valued for their magical properties. The mountains of Droaam are rich with minerals, including Byeshk Iron, Glimmerstone and Dragonshards, which are used in the creation of powerful magical items. The forests of Droaam are home to a variety of rare woods, such as ironwood and darkwood, which are prized for their durability and magical properties.   In addition to these valuable resources, Droaam is also home to a wide range of plants and animals, some of which have unique properties that make them highly sought after. For example, the venom of the wyvern, a large dragon-like creature found in the mountains, is prized for its ability to paralyze or kill its victims. The venom of the giant spider, which can be found in the forests, is also highly valued for its magical properties.


    Under Galifar

      Originally considered part of Breland, Droaam was a polite fiction, as it remained unsettled by humans, elves, dwarves, or other civilized folk. Despite being a land of savage monsters, knights ventured into Droaam to gain renown by slaying these creatures. However, few returned, and the lack of organization among the monsters meant they posed no significant threat to the eastern nations. Consequently, the region was largely ignored and forgotten during the Galifar era.  

    The Last War

      During the Last War, bands of monsters engaged in opportunistic raids across the border into Breland, seeking spoils and slaves. While these attacks lacked long-term impact, sometimes enemy nations encouraged or hired monstrous races for more coordinated assaults on Breland. Karrnath was particularly adept at employing this strategy.   In 987 YK, King Boranel withdrew the remaining Brelish settlers from beyond the Graywall Mountains, declaring the region off-limits. That same year, the Daughters of Sora Kell emerged with a monstrous army, declaring the formation of Droaam as a new nation. Despite never receiving formal recognition from other nations, most Khorvairians believed the alliance of monstrous humanoids would crumble due to in-fighting and treachery. However, the Daughters of Sora Kell successfully kept the warlords united under their banner, leaving the possibility of formal recognition by the Thronehold nations uncertain.


    Droaam may be known for its monstrous inhabitants, but that hasn't stopped adventurers from flocking to the Great Crag, the capital city of the land. Many come seeking excitement, whether it's battling fierce creatures, exploring ancient ruins, or immersing themselves in the vibrant culture of the land. For those looking for an unforgettable experience, Droaam is the ultimate destination.   Existing outside the bounds of The Five Nations, it is also a hotspot for criminals and unseemly characters to escape persecution.
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