House Sivis Organization in Eberron | World Anvil
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House Sivis

House Sivis, the Dragonmarked House of Gnome, is deeply rooted in Zilargo. Despite the general suspicion surrounding the devious and cunning nature of gnomes, House Sivis has managed to maintain strict neutrality in all conflicts, earning its services a reputation of indispensability. Currently, the House is governed by a High Council, consisting of representatives from each nation in which it operates, with Lysse Lyrriman d'Sivis serving as its leader. Lady d'Sivis has been at the helm of the House for nearly 90 years, since the early days of the The Last War.   Adorned with the emblem of the cockatrice, the gnomes of House Sivis excel in facilitating communication. Their most literal manifestation of this ability comes through "Speaking Stones" magical items that allow a Sivis heir to send short messages to another speaking stone. These items form the backbone of House Sivis's long-distance communication network through its message stations. The House also specializes in training and licensing scribes, notaries, interpreters, cartographers, barristers, heralds, bookbinders, and others who work with words. Their relationship with House Kundarak is particularly close, as Kundarak letters of credit require notarization with a Sivis arcane mark.   House Sivis places great importance on maintaining the trust of its clients and staunchly upholds a position of absolute neutrality in all disputes, be they between houses or nations. While Sivis gnomes are generally friendly, inquisitive, and charming, their seemingly amiable demeanor may mask a mind full of scheming.  


House Sivis bear the Mark of Scribing, which grants them unique abilities in the realm of communication and documentation. The Speakers Guild, an integral part of House Sivis, provides invaluable services as translators and mediators between various races and cultures. Their expertise in understanding different languages and cultures makes them instrumental in facilitating communication and resolving disputes.   Additionally, House Sivis leverages the power of its Dragonmark to enable instant, long-distance communication through its more adept members. Speaking stones, one of their signature magical creations, allow Sivis heirs to exchange short messages across great distances, forming the backbone of their efficient and extensive communication network.  


House Sivis has a deep-rooted history in Zilargo, the southernmost region of Khorvaire, neighboring Breland and Darguun. The clan of Sivis, foreseeing the need to consolidate their power, established their dragonmarked house well before the Mark of Scribing appeared approximately 2800 years ago.   Initially fearing potential ostracization due to their newfound powers, the gnomes of House Sivis instead made themselves indispensable to Zilargo society through their communication abilities granted by their dragonmark and their unwavering commitment to neutrality. This approach became a blueprint for other dragonmarked houses seeking to integrate themselves into their respective societies.   House Sivis expanded its influence throughout Khorvaire and recognized the need for a common language among all the peoples. They played a vital role in developing the Common language, refining words that now facilitate communication between the nations. House Sivis also contributed to negotiations and conflict resolution during the early development of the various nations of Khorvaire. Their influence extended to the younger Dragonmarked houses, leading to the establishment of shared traditions that persist to this day. Despite their widespread influence, House Sivis maintains its philosophy of neutrality, striving to be a mediator and ally to all rather than seeking dominance.   The curious nature of the gnomes in House Sivis led them to take a prominent role in researching the Draconic Propehcy and discovering new Dragonmarked houses. Within the Twelve, House Sivis shows the most interest in the Prophecy and the role of dragonmarked houses. When it was foretold that there would be twelve contemporary dragonmarks in Eberron, House Sivis scholars dedicated themselves to finding the remaining marks.   During the Last War, Zilargo remained a neutral province within the Kingdom of Galifar until eventually allying with Breland in 962 YK. House Sivis played a crucial role in the war effort, with sending stones being a vital part of each nation's communication network. They grew in wealth and influence during the war, providing secure message relay for military and political leaders. Even when messages were intercepted, House Sivis remained blameless, upholding its strict adherence to neutrality and earning trust from all parties involved.
Founding Date
1,800 BG
Guild, Professional
Related Species
Mark of Scribing
Notaries Guild
Speakers Guild

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