Spluglug Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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Councillor Spluglug

Spluglug is a small, wiry goblin standing with a noticeable hunch. His curly black hair, which often veils his face, adds a wild touch to his appearance, further accentuated by his multiple scars and burns.

Physical Description

Physical quirks

The goblin's missing teeth give him a somewhat menacing appearance. His numerous scars and burns narrate tales of his laborious years in the forges, and his left eyebrow sports a distinctive piercing.

Special abilities

Beyond his smithing prowess, Spluglug has an acute sense for identifying metal quality and potential faults in metallic constructs, a rare ability that serves him well in both smithing and mining.

Apparel & Accessories

Spluglug typically dons worn-out clothes befitting a smith, stained with soot and metal shavings. A leather belt often carries tools of his trade.

Specialized Equipment

His tools range from smithing hammers to tongs and other metalworking equipment. He's also known to have designed a few unique machines for mining purposes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Spluglug was obsessed with the transformation of raw metals into great works of art and engineering and feeling discontent with the simple lifestyle of his family and tribe, he left for the Graywall Mountains after hearing about the smithing and artificing skills of the Minotaurs found deep underground.   It took Spluglug time to provide himself to the Minotaurs and dealt with a lot of hazing and bullying from the behemoths that towered over him, but his drive to succeed prevented him from giving up. Once he was accepted, he quickly learned all he could about various metal; how to determine their quality, and how best to forge them.   Upon the discover of Glimmerstone, Spluglug left the hold he called home for so many years to learn more about this strange new metal and to establish himself in the region as a master of his craft. After working in the mines and smithy of Brightrock, his skill and determination enamored the miners and they elected him as a councillor to help manage the growth of the town.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Once a skilled smith within his clan's forges, Spluglug transitioned to Glimmerstone mining with dreams of prosperity. His expertise in metallurgy has made him an invaluable asset to the mining town of Brightrock, as he crafts tools and machines to streamline the mining process.

Intellectual Characteristics

Spluglug possesses a profound understanding of metallurgy and metalworking, skills honed from his years spent in the forge. While his demeanor may suggest otherwise, his mind is analytical when it comes to the properties and workings of metal.

Morality & Philosophy

Fiercely loyal, especially to fellow council members, Spluglug believes in guarding Brightrock's interests at all costs. His philosophy centers on allegiance and the belief that might often makes right.

Personality Characteristics


Driven by a combination of ambition and loyalty, Spluglug seeks both personal prosperity and the well-being of Brightrock, often seeing them as intertwined.

Likes & Dislikes

He has a fondness for the rhythm of the forge and the glow of molten metal. However, he's easily irritated by incompetence, especially when it concerns metallurgy, and dislikes being challenged or second-guessed.


Social Aptitude

Hot-headed and sharp-tongued, Spluglug is quick to ignite conflicts. While some may find him abrasive, those in the council and those who respect his skills value his unwavering loyalty.


He often snarls when agitated and has a habit of finger-pointing during heated discussions. His posture remains mostly hunched, whether he's standing or sitting.

Hobbies & Pets

While Spluglug doesn't keep any pets, he does find solace in refining his smithing techniques during his free time, always eager to discover new methods or designs.


With a gritty voice, Spluglug's speech is assertive and laden with a heavy dialect, reminiscent of his clan's origins. The missing teeth slightly affect his pronunciation, especially with sibilant sounds. His tone is usually gruff, and his language peppered with mining and smithing jargon.

Wealth & Financial state

While he might not be the wealthiest, his skills ensure he has a steady income, and he's garnered a fair amount since the onset of the Glimmerstone boom.
Character Location
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Current Location
Date of Birth
971 YK
Frazzled and wiry
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
87 lb
Aligned Organization


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