Graywall Mountains Geographic Location in Eberron | World Anvil
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Graywall Mountains

The Graywall Mountains are a mountain range that represent the border to Droaam and Breland. Historically, Breland used it as a natural defence against the "monstrous" races of the "wastes" and had a fortress named "Stubbon" that oversaw the defense.   Since the appearance of the Daughters of Sora Kell and the establishment of Droaam as a nation, humans have been driven back to the eastern side of the mountain ranges. Minotaurs and harpies have thrived and blossomed on the Droaam side and live in a general peace.  

Harpy Aeries


Minotaur Holds


The Graywall Mountains are a mountain range with tall, jagged peaks topped with snow. The range divides the lands of Droaam and Breland, and creates the barrier separating the nations.   While there is the Serpentrock River which runs from the centre of the range on the Droaaman side, the western edge is sparsely vegetated with pockets of bushes and trees. This is because most of the rain falls on the Brelish side which is much more vetegated. On the highest peaks, you can look down on both sides and see the stark contrast.

Ecosystem Cycles

The ecosystem cycles of the mountains are dictated by the snow. In the winter, the snow grows and blankets almost have of the mountain ranges, pushing life further down the slopes and causing the plants to die off and hibernate. In the smmer, the snow receeds and melts down, bringing the plants back to life and the animals return to feast upon the blooming flora.

Localized Phenomena

Shining Valley is a Manifest Zone to Irian nestled within the peaks of the Graywall Mountains. Within the Shining Valley is the Haunting Song Harpy Flight.

Fauna & Flora

The Graywall mountain range features sparse vegetation, including trees, thistles, and grasses, with the Brelish side being more densely covered than the Droaaman side. Various birds and bird-like creatures nest in the mountains, while ruminants such as rams, sheep, and ibex scale the cliffs to access otherwise unreachable plants. Small rodents dwell in burrows near the lower peaks. Additionally, predatory species like bears, owlbears, wyverns, and manticores inhabit the caves, preying on both wildlife and sapient beings residing in the mountains.

Natural Resources

The primary resources of the Graywall Mountains are the metals that are mined from them:
  • Byeshk Iron
  • Glimmerstone
  • Iron
  • Gold
  • Copper


Throughout history, the Graywall Mountains have acted as a physical barrier and defensive position for any nation vying for control over the region. During the Dhakaani Empire, it was viewed as such a symbol of Goblinoid strength that they build the large 1,000ft statues called the Six Kings Monument which lasted even after the empire's collapse.   In the time of Galifar and the rise of the Kingdom of Breland, Breland claimed Droaam for its own as the "Barrens" and got as far as establishing the fort of Stubbon. Breland was never able to build permanent settlements beyond the Graywall because of roving bands of Orcs, Trolls, Ogres, and Goblinoids that would war with them.   When the Daughters of Sora Kell, marched Maenya's Fist onto Stubbon and sacked it, they staked their claim on all territory west of the mountains. Breland attempted a few times to fight back the Fist, but failed every time and eventually backed down though never accepting the peace.   Since then, the discovery of Glimmerstone has led to a flurry of activity in the region for better or worse for its indigenous inhabitants.


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