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Fairhaven, the City of Lights


The city of Fairhaven is the largest in the Aundair and the regional seat of imperial power. The city was named for the brilliant crystalline lamps which line its glittering streets, the first city to introduce these innovations from the mages at Arcanix. The city, being one of the largest trade ports in Khorvaire, is always active with merchants and shopkeepers.


  • Human 65%
  • Half-elves 9%
  • Gnomes 15%
  • Elves 7%
  • Changelings 2%
  • Other 2%


Although the city adheres to the Empire's laws and authority, in many ways Aurala ir'Wynarn treats the city as her own personal domain: requiring expensive permitting for everything from working to trade to religious worship.

The city is divided into twelve wards. Aurala ir'Wynarn is the legal executor for Fairhaven. While not technically a part of the city council, it is widely known that Aurala has the first and final say on what laws get written, passed, and enforced. If she doesn't approve of something happening inside the city, there is very little anyone can do to gainsay her.

Recently the city council has voted to further increase the taxes on businesses and citizens which has inflamed tensions. Fairhaven is rapidly approaching a boiling point, and many are scared of what Aurala's response will be when violence breaks out.


Fairhaven is surrounded by a thick, strong wall built in several stages over the many centuries that Fairhaven has grown. The only points of entry to the city are Rordan's Gate and the Eastgate, as well as the docks of the Whiteroof Ward along the river. Defense in the city is centered on the garrisons which stand around the central point of Fairhold like points on a star. These garrisons house the Fairhaven Watch as well as some Imperial soldiers and the dragonhawk calvary. The city's defenses have never been seriously tested, not even during the @Last War, but the strength of its defenses are surely a contributor to this record.

Industry & Trade

Trade in Fairhaven is focused on three main areas, Rordan's Gate, the Eastway Ward, and the Whiteroof Ward. Trade goods come in along the roads to Fairhaven, from the fertile farmlands of central Aundair, the timber forests, and mountain quarries of the north. From there what isn't used in the city itself is brought to the city docks in the Whiteroof Ward where they can be loaded onto barges bound for Scions Sound and trading points beyond.


The city features a @House Lyrandar airship docking tower as well as the central station for the @Lightning Rail. Other important features include:

  • Abandoned Cathedral of the Silver Flame
  • Chalice Center
  • Distant Exchange
  • House Jorasco Citadel
  • The Queen's Kiss
  • Noble Court of Fairhold
  • Sovereign Ward
  • Tower of Eyes
  • The University of Wynarn
  • Whiteroof Ward


Fairhaven buildings make wide use of magical decorations, especially in the richer sections of the city. Even in the poor districts, however, city officials pride themselves on providing reliable lighting via everbright lanterns maintained by the city watch. Artificers are employed by the city to maintain the many magical aspects of the city including telekinetic lifts in the dockyards and the animated murals found in some sections of the central city.

Alternative Name(s)
City of Lights
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Owning Organization
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