Cyre Geographic Location in Eberron | World Anvil


Cyre was a human kingdom in the southeast of the continent of Khorvaire, and formerly one of the Five Nations of the kingdom of Galifar. Once, it was described as the brightest and most beautiful of the Five Nations and called Beautiful Cyre, Wondrous Cyre, the Jewel of Galifar, and even the Purple Jewel of Galifar's Crown. But it suffered and was dragged low during The Last War, before the entire realm was destroyed by a cataclysmic event known as the Mourning. Now, it is known as the Mournland. At its height, Cyre once included parts of what are now Valenar  and Darguun. It is the homeland of the displaced Cyran peoples.   Population   According to the census of 992 YK, Cyre had a population of 1,500,000 people. The majority of Cyrans were humans, half-elves, and halflings, with some changelings and shifters also represented. Cyran humans are generally gracile, with slender builds and long limbs. They are known for an innate and easy grace, as well as a poise and elegance that humans of other nations admire. Most have wavy dark hair, though a few are born with pure white hair, which is traditionally linked to magic. Customarily, white-haired young Cyrans are encouraged to practice magic, and many seem to have a knack for it. Cyrans favor hair cut to a medium length and left loose to shift freely as the move.   The warforged were first created in Cyre