Murloc Smurloc Plot in Eberron | World Anvil

Murloc Smurloc

Captain Shelby wants you to find a way past the murlocs and find out what they are guarding.   After traversing the the pond and collapse tunnel the Murlocs where guarding your group was lead to a camp where you met Blurgal. After visiting for awhile your your group is able to communicate with the Murlocs. They are sentient and appear to be born after the Mourning. They revere the Merdinite Dragonshard with almost religious devotion. There camp is surrrounded by a field of Merdinite Dragonshard and Merdinite Ore   Further investigation reveals, a Spider Queen den with an halls littered with spider/tick eggs. As well as large tunnels that are smooth and unnatural.
Quest Status- In Progress
  • Get past the murlocs
  • Find out what, anything of value, they are guarding
  • Report to Captain Shelby Vance