Session 1 Report in Eberron | World Anvil

Session 1

General Summary

Act 1-Introduction    You find yourselves in a dark damp dungeon locked in wrought iron cages with several other people. In the room you can see several different torture racks, stockades and the accompanying tools to inflict pain and extract information. The smell of stale blood and dried excrement fill the air.   Locked in the cages is Don Jon Raskin, Templar Pete, Ohazar Molgera, Queelix Von Boomersmark, Drexel, and WuWei.   The PC's are introduced to:   Captain Shelby Vance-  an immaculately dressed women in a red leather armor with pristine blue pauldrons and gauntlets. She is wearing a tricorn hat with an ornate visor dropped over her eyes.   Billy Bones- Billy doesn't look like your typical pirate, wearing chainmail, large metal boots and carrying two large swords. He looks like he'd be more accustomed to the battle field than a ship   Frick- a creature that resembles a hairball with legs. This very hairy creature with goat legs looks like a cross between a gnome, a satyr and hairball. He is covered in hair which is extraordinarily long, despite his short stature, and is black with silvery accents. The hair is matted and spun into dreadlocks. The hair extends well past his waist line and a few locks appear to be even longer than that. In fact those locks appear to be wrapped and holstered on his hip like a whip.    Templar Pete insults Captain Shelby Vance who immediately blows Templar Pete's head off. The PC's where able to find a small Eberron Dragonshards that was implanted into Pete's neck. Frick ate Pete's body.   ACT 2- Survival of the fittest    The PC's are lead down a series of halls and elevators and you end up on a wooden platform overlooking a large underground open arena. The arena stands appear to be able to hold several hundred people, which are filled with all manner of pirates, bandits and even a few mercenaries. There are a few Sky boxes scattered above the stands filled with what you'd assume to noblemen from the local area. In the main skybox you can see Captain Shelby Vance, Billy Bones, and two other figures you had no met yet. One is a dark skinned dwarf with blonde hair, the other is a woman clade in purple leather, faint purple skin and purple horns. She is wearing a silver mask and has glowing red eyes.   Sunken below the stands is the arena floor. You see a bridge between two ledges with ramps leading up each side. Across the way you can see another wooden platform. You can barely make out your opponent's due to their small stature. There a large group of vaguely reptilian creatures carrying various weapons and armor. The platform you are on slowly starts to lower into the arena floor. As it does……roll for initiative   Fight 1   Kobolds- 6 to start 1-2/round Queelix Von Boomersmark blinded a girl with his crossbow   Intermission   Black Jack Mel-  an impressively large and fearsome looking creature. Standing well  over 6 feet tall despite a hunch in his posture. He has the facial features of a wolf or Lycan with an elongated nose and mouth. Even though his body appears to be covered in a fine coat of fur he is wearing armor. He carries two very large and imposing axes in his back as well as very large great sword.   Black Jack Mel gives the PC's some Black Jack Mel goo aka Restorative Ointment    Fight 2   Bugbear Chief   ACT 3- Miner Bob    PC's are returned to their cells and weapons collected. Black Jack Mel informs PC's that Captain Shelby Vance was impressed and wanted to give them a task.   Captain Shelby Vance tasks the PC's with investigating an abandoned mine. Frick leads the PC's to Miner Bob.   Miner Bob- This orc stands a little taller and is significantly bigger than the other orcs you've seen around, this could be attributed to him working in a mine most of his life.. His teeth are ever so slightly more prominent combined with awkward speech pattern it makes him a bit more slack jawed than his fellow compatriots.   Miner Bob tells PC's on nasty creatures have been spotted in mine 4. Queelix Von Boomersmark trades some mundane rocks for Miner Bob teeth.    Room 1- Open area where the miners would get there gear and take breaks. There are racks of hard hats and mining picks as well as a few tables with card and dice games on them.   Room 2- This room is very dark with only the faintest of light penetrating into this room. The smell of decay is definitely emanating from this room. You climb down the ladder and find an empty hearth and several bedrolls. In the bed rolls you find several decaying bodies of previous miners.    Room 3- Open room with several large shelves. This appears to be where they kept food and water. The food is moldy and rotten. The water is stale but drinkable.   Room 4- A very large open room with a body of water protected by Murlocs    After fighting off several Tick the PC's bar the entrances to the room and take a long rest.

Rewards Granted

Black Jack Mel's goo- AKA restorative ointment

Missions/Quests Completed

Report Date
10 Mar 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location