Warden Keep Building / Landmark in Eberron | World Anvil

Warden Keep

This House Deneith prison was used during the height of the kingdom of Galifar to contain some of the worst criminals given over to the care of the Defenders Guild. Converted into a fortress during the Last War, the place was used by the Cyran army up until the Darguun revolt. The keep, still largely intact, became a tomb for the Cyran forces when Haruuc and his forces laid siege to the place. The Cyrans refused to surrender or flee, and so were surrounded and cut off from supplies and outside aid. The two thousand troops died slowly of starvation and growing illness as Haruuc simply ordered his troops to watch and wait. Today, the goblinoids shun the keep, believing it to be haunted by the last Cyran troops to fill its ancient battlements.
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